Day 12 - Monopoli to Bari - Schnooks Takes A Turn in Puglia - Tandem Tour - May 2024 - CycleBlaze

May 21, 2024

Day 12 - Monopoli to Bari

The flattest bike ride ever to finish the tour

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Our accommodation “Studio 31” provided a free cornetto and coffee breakfast at a local cafeteria.  We supplemented with an extra pastry for Rich.  Not much of a breakfast, really, for cyclists.

We were on the road by 1015 and quickly out of Monopoli on pretty good roads, including some impressive bike paths.

Bike path leaving Monopoli
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Our first town was Polignano a Mare, which we entered on a busy street with left and right entrances.  Despite stop signs, the drivers here have a tendency to honk (or not) and drive right through the stop signs.  We call these kinds of roads “shooting galleries” where we feel like the mechanical bunnies.

Eventually the road dead-ended into a nice pedestrian area overlooking Plignano’s beach.  It’s a cool spot, but it was pretty crowded on this sunny, hot morning.

The beach, Polignano a Mare
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Bob KoreisI think it's a law that you have to stop and take a photo of the beach at this location. did you stop to say hello to Domenico Modugno?
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3 months ago
Rich FrasierYeah it’s difficult to pass by without snapping a picture. Glad we were law abiding! The town is otherwise pretty uninspiring and when you see the beach it’s kind of a pleasant shock!
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3 months ago
Rachael AndersonHow beautiful!
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3 months ago

Our planned route had us heading up slightly away from the beach to avoid riding next to the autostrada.  Actually, we were finding the road along the autostrada to be pretty nice.  Well-paved and with the tailwind we had, we were motoring along.  But nonetheless, we turned up into the olive groves.  There were some marvelous specimens of trees.

This guy is old enough!
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A whole grove of ancients
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Mark BinghamThey're so old-looking, they don't even seem like real trees. Truly magnificent.
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3 months ago

This plan came to an abrupt end when we came to a railroad crossing that was on the map, but didn’t exist in real life.  A large concrete fence had been erected and it looked like a new rail line had been built.  It appeared to be 2 sets of high-speed tracks.   We decided that humping the bike and bags over the rail lines was a difficult and dangerous task.  So we turned around and went back to the autostrada.

That’s not a railroad crossing!
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Back on the frontage road, we made really good time.   We hit another long section of bike path and blew into Mola di Bari to look for some protein to complement the pitiful breakfast we’d had.

Bike pathing into Mola di Bari
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The small bar/pasticceria “Le Ré Ve” provided cold drinks and a lovely tuna sandwich, which we split.

Hot spot for first lunch
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We encountered more nice bike paths as we exited Mola di Bari.

More nice bike paths
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On the final run into Bari, we were paced by a friendly local who helped us navigate around some puzzling routing mistakes made by the trip planner.   We also took an action selfie to commemorate the end of another adventure.

Don’t try this at home!
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And finally, the selfie with a city sign for our destination.

Back to Bari!
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Soon enough we were contending with city traffic in Bari. 

Getting close
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Finally at the old town, we walked the final distance to our accommodation “Corte San Triggiano 13”.  We opened the door with the supplied code to find a nice lady still cleaning the apartment.  She asked for “cinque minuti” so there was only one thing to do - go celebrate with gelato!

The true end of the adventure
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Rachael AndersonWhat a great way to celebrate the end of the tour!
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3 months ago

So, it’s done.  600+ kilometers over 11 days by two senior citizens who are definitely NOT athletes.  No crashes, no flat tires, no arguments.  We’ve had a great time, despite bad roads, headwinds, and sometime difficult terrain.

The Italian people have been incredible.  Charming, sweet, helpful and kind.  We’ve eaten some great food and seen some really beautiful things.

Bike touring is just a matter of starting, and then turning the pedals until you get to where you want to go.  If we can do this, so can you.  We encourage anyone reading this to try getting out on your bike.  It’s really fun!

The riding part of this journal will stop here.  I’ll fill in two more entries a bit later.  One to describe our wandering way home, and another to summarize the trip a bit.   Thanks to anyone who was following along - I’ll be back with those two pages early next week.

Today's ride: 49 km (30 miles)
Total: 655 km (407 miles)

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ann and steve maher-wearyWhat a great trip, you guys are too humble! Well done! 600kms in 11 days is moving! Thanks for sharing your adventures!
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3 months ago
Rachael AndersonTo ann and steve maher-wearyI second that! But it is true that you just have to get out there and turn the pedals!
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3 months ago