Vierlingsbeek to Herpen - The Bartletts tour Europe on their E-Tandem - CycleBlaze

Vierlingsbeek to Herpen

Challenges…route blocked off, getting lost and weather

We are staying in an old property that has been restored and repurposed. On the back of the building, they have created spacious rooms with large bathrooms and a private patio. It is very quiet 

We had been here for a bit before we realized that we indeed do have a frig and microwave. Funny that they are in the bathroom and in a spot that is usually hidden by a door. It was a nice surprise, but we wish we had found it sooner as we are having a cold supper
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Heading out…slept well and ready to roll.
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The town of Vierlingensbeek has a wonderful petting zoo with deer, goats, sheep, a very proud peacock, chickens... Needless to say we stopped to wish them a good day and enjoyed interacting with them.
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The King of the Show….all of the other animals were happy eating, playing, interacting with each other and the peacock simply took centre stage and stood sharing his beautiful splendour.
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This young goat is full of beans and endlessly playful, hopping around.
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Love these older brick homes with striking architectural details, decorative tile work above the windows and door and of course well cared for gardens.
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The Maas cycling route in this area follows the river along this narrow path. Blocking the path was a number of police vehicles. We were told to turn around and go back. We had to ride a couple of km back and take a road where we got lost. Those coming in the opposite direction had a huge detour they had to navigate,
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Karen PoretThat is a FIRST.. I hope whatever the reason was was not because of a very serious nature..
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2 months ago
Something has happened down this lane.
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Horses and their riders are accustomed to having cyclists around - no issues here sharing the trail.
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We notice that Dutch villages and towns are made interesting with art installations and sculptures like this that beautify their spaces. We enjoy finding them.
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So much of our riding is in rural areas, along the river and through villages. A constant is the sight of sheep, horse and cattle. These sheep look like they are having a great day….eating, sleeping and staying close to each other.
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Via Valentiniana is a route that follows the Roman history of the area.
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The Roman route looks interesting…perhaps another time.
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Many bunkers from WW2 along this section. This one shows the scars of battle and the passage of time. What we have learned though is that some of the communities wanted to get rid of them by blowing them up. It proved to be too difficult and expensive, so they remain.
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Entering Limburger country
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Well, this day is one to remember, or perhaps forget.🥴 Many km added to our route due to the police blockage, getting lost on one of the detours and then, our all too frequent companion of late…rain.
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Karen PoretThat’s three! You’re done! ( police, detours, and rain…)
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2 months ago
Barry BartlettMy thought too Karen.
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2 months ago
Well, we seem to,have good coping skills…it is raining so we found a bakery for coffee and a sweet.
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Coffee and an advocat tart for B and ME had the orange tart with a filly of marzipan. We really like the custom that coffee shops have of giving you a sampling lf one of their cakes on the end of your spoon.
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This lovely coffee and baking shop is run by a young woman. What a great business she has.
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Barry needed wrenches for a repair on our bike. He went to a discount store called Aktion and he could only get a complete set. So he was encouraging one of the fellows at the bakery to take the rest of the set. I think he found a willing recipient.
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Karen PoretAction is the best store! They have everything and a great prices!
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2 months ago
This group are friends and relatives of the woman who runs the shop. They were having a great time and befriended us as well.
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Karen PoretWhat fun! But, I have to ask..why the wrench set on the table?
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2 months ago
Barry BartlettThanks Karen….put photos in wrong order. I’ll fix that.
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2 months ago
Leaving town, we passed the city hall and discovered this wedding that had just taken place. It was so cold after the rain, but all seemed in good spirits nonetheless.
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Oh yes, the rain is back with a vengeance!
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You can count on the ferry ride to make things better. We are ok though,.the rain gear is on and we will soon be at our accomodation.
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Karen PoretYou are such troopers!
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2 months ago
Barry BartlettThanks. It isn’t often that we are the only passengers on a ferry. Everybody else had the good sense to be at home!
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2 months ago
An impressive church we saw from the ferry.
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The beautiful highland cattle are curious about us strange folk 9n wheels
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The incredible Dutch pancakes…pannecoeke.
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The nice thing about rain is that when it is finished, the quality of the light can be quite lovely.
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Beautiful lilies
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This sight of the cows quietly standing in line waiting at the gate to head back to the barn was incredible. Their line was orderly and precise….well trained.
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It is a joy to ride in the country where we see such a wonderful way of life.
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We have arrived at our accomodation…a Vrienden op de Fiets home (Friends of Cyclists) They offer reasonably priced accommodation and breakfast to cyclists who are members and are travelling by bike or by foot. It is an awesome group of people and organization.
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We have the 2nd floor (1st floor in Holland) to ourselves…a tv room, kitchen, bathroom and this bedroom. It is well equipped and comfortable…probably the best we have stayed at. Best of all, the couple are lovely and their daughter has dropped by to translate for us.
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The TV room where we watched some of the soccer game, Holland vs France. It was a zero-zero draw. A victory of sorts.
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Today's ride: 65 km (40 miles)
Total: 1,465 km (910 miles)

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