Made to an island near Rotterdam - The Bartletts tour Europe on their E-Tandem - CycleBlaze

Made to an island near Rotterdam

Our host Ingrid  at B&B Logerin bij Van Heeren has provided us with a delightful experience during our stay here. Her warm hospitality, the environment she has created with a lovely property complete with animals make her place stand out for us.  We had everything we needed in our suite  plus lots of outdoor spaces to relax. We leave here with wonderful memories.

Usually we self cater our meals, but on our last morning at the B&B, we treated ourselves to breakfast in her sunroom.
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Having these sweet sprinkles on a buttered bun or bread is essential to a Dutch breakfast. We like the chocolate sprinkles best. In a grocery store, the selection of sprinkles rivals a jam section in stores at home.
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Ingrid, our host and one of the resident animals who love affection.
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This cat captured our hearts. It yearns for affection yet it is initially a reluctant participant and wary. Ingrid adopted it and doesn’t know the cat’s history but suspects the cat may have been hit by a car. Its gait is very awkward on the hind end, yet seems to be pain free. Nonetheless, with some patience this lovely little guy adopted us and our suite while we stayed here and seemed concerned that we were packing up.
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And we’re off, ready to explore another area of Holland. The weather is fine, the riding is good and we look forward to the day ahead.
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Karen PoretI envy you! NO RAIN!
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2 months ago
Barry BartlettWe really appreciate it after so much bad weather.
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2 months ago
This property has maximized the potential of the canal in front of their home. Water is a constant feature in Holland and the the Dutch are renowned for their skill in managing it. Countries with water problems often consult the Netherlands for their expertise.
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Karen PoretThe Watersnoodmuseum ( flood museum) is worth a visit should you be in the Eastern Scheldt river area.
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2 months ago
This tractor pulling event is a popular thing that happens in Holland. Not surprising as so much of Holland is rural. Ingrid was telling us about the recent tractor pulling event that happened in Made and it was the largest competition of its kind in all of Europe. She couldn’t get over how busy her small community became.
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The statue of a mermaid by the canal in a village we were passing through.
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We agree…yes, we love Holland too.
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On a hot day like this, the canal offers a cooling effect.
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The Bakery cafe was busy and looked popular, so we headed in for a coffee.
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A typical Dutch scene.
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So beautiful…
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The flag proudly displaying the lion, a symbol of Holland and of course, the colour is orange.
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The town’s city hall. We like the shutters on these that are painted in different ways.
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The beloved lions greet you at the top of the stairs.
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A typical Dutch farmhouse. Some of the homes are painted fully, or partially as above or left natural.
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Karen PoretLove your photo position of the cloud seeming to come out of the chimney! :)
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2 months ago
This cutie clearly wants to befriend us…its coat is sooo soft.
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We hadn’t planned to visit, nor known about this community of Wilhelmstad. As we were about to cross to the Island where we will be staying tonight, I noticed it on the map. Like the town of Heusen that we visited a few days ago, it is completely surrounded by water, but this one is in the shape of a star when viewed from above.
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Loved this garbage bin…when you opened it it talked to you, in Dutch of course!
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Willhelmstad is a very popular place to visit, with an active harbour, the remains of fortifications on the dykes surrounding the town and very historic buildings. What a great detour it has been for us. A very pretty place.
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The windmill is now a private home. It is good to see them being repurposed or maintained as historic properties, rather than being torn down.
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We have made it to our destination, Ooltgensplaat on the island of Goeree-overflakkee.  In getting here we had to “merge” with the super highways to cross over. Looking at it on the map we wondered how this could work, but  we marvelled at the ingenuity of the architects of this as we never shared the road with cars…we always had our own space. At times there were a number of highways crisscrossing above and beside each other, yet cyclists could carry on without stress or confusion. Wow!

The village harbour is in front of where we are staying. We are staying at the home of a Vrienden op de Fiets. We have an extraordinary place. The owner owns two adjoining properties…one for her and ours has two suites for guests to rent. Our suite is a grand space with a huge living area, full kitchen etc. The building is solid…super quiet and cool. It is so cool to get to stay in one of these lovely old places which we ride by every day.
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This is our host’s home which sits alongside the canal. Our building next door also has a garden terrace for us to use.
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The street view from the front of our house.
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Today's ride: 62 km (39 miles)
Total: 1,673 km (1,039 miles)

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