Incredible riding on quiet backroads in the Ardennes - The Bartletts tour Europe on their E-Tandem - CycleBlaze

May 30, 2024

Incredible riding on quiet backroads in the Ardennes

Stenay to Sedan

We are sorry to leave Stenay. This small town has a wonderful historic centre and much to offer. Today we are heading on to Sedan where we will visit the Fort, the largest fort/castle in Europe.

While staying at Le Moulin De Cygne, we were excited to find that other travellers had left behind the two Cycling Route guides that we prefer and have found to be useful on other tours. The Benjaminse from Holland and the Bikeline. This is great as we have not been .able to find them in stores. We have a few days to do some research.
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Our bedroom has lovely, deeply set windows, exquisite antiques and a view of the back courtyard and gardens.
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Marble fireplace in the entry area and living room
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Loved this quirky piece of art - the artist is a friend of the owners
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We had comfy leather furniture but this coffee table was a special piece, beautifully refinished by our host.
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Barry chose his outfit carefully to match the colours of the doors in our apartment.
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Loved this built in, original closet.
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The kitchen had everything we could need and made cooking a joy. We took advantage of having such a nice place to stay and cooked all of our meals.
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A nice historic touch is the winding staircase. Breakfast is available if you choose and it is delivered to your door in the morning in a basket. If you want breakfast, leave a basket outside your door.
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We have had “a holiday within a holiday” staying in the village of Stenay at such a memorable and beautifully restored historic property. It cost a bit more than our usual accommodation, but still very reasonable. We can’t imagine what a property of such quality would cost us at home.
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Oh dear, our trip began in Germany with sunshine and hot weather. But the past weeks we have had dark heavy clouds and consistently rainy. We have had enough, but must carry on. We are grateful that we are not camping as we have enough challenges with Seavo.
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Our ride today meanders through the countryside with the river Meuse always nearby. Blissfully the roads are extremely quiet..for most of the day we only see a few tractors, the odd car and just us. Of course the animals are everywhere and we love make a connection with them. Cows are such social beings and love to listen and get pets.
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Of course, villages are dominated by the church and are always at the centre of town and a landmark from a distance.
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A handsome fella
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This poor cat looks like it has had a challenging life. Its face and its mannerisms tell a story. Nonetheless, it was intrigued by our voices and not intimidated. Would love to have given it a cuddle.
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The church in Beaumont-en-Argonne sustained much damage during the many wars it has endured.
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Unfortunately, this church in Beaumont is in disrepair, much like the village. We can imagine that small rural communities struggle with the upkeep of buildings such as this church as well as their own infrastructure.
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The next village is in view. We are on the edge of the Ardennes and today is a hilly route. So far so good.
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It is cold and damp but we are bundled up and keeping warm riding through the hills.
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Beautiful countryside, miles after mile…
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A farm and its out buildings tucked into the countryside
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We were approaching a farm and these two dogs made their presence known. This one was all about affection and had a gentle soul. His buddy hadn’t figured this out yet….it wanted affection but he only knew to bark. I’m guessing that they don’t see many people come through who stop and talk to them.
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The force of this lovely guy cuddling in for affection could have knocked us over, but we braced ourselves.
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Charmaine RuppoltI enjoy stopping to pet dogs or cats, and talking to the animals in the pastures. :)
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3 months ago
The cows have the right idea….it’s cold and rainy, so why not just sit down and rest.
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One of the few motorized vehicles we have encountered today…we like that.
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Three pheasants were keeping an eye on us from the tall grasses.
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Charmaine RuppoltGreat picture of the pheasant!
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3 months ago
We feel like we are having the best of rides today…quiet roads through beautiful countryside. We had been a bit worried about the hilly route today as we wondered how Seavo would cope. We took it nice and slow and all was good.
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This large church in Mouzon is well maintained and is on extensive grounds with an abbey.
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This worker is keeping the weeds at bay with his propane powered device in front of the church.
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An unexpected but interesting mural
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We will remember France for its beautiful roses and flowers.
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Hotel de Ville…City Hall, Mouzon sun Meuse
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France honours those who have served their country and those who have lost their lives. “They will be remembered.” We see many monuments and tributes like this along the way, throughout the countryside and in the villages. It impressed upon us the significant loss of life in several generations.
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This cat is curious but not enough to stay and check us out. It would run, stop and look, then repeat.
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Love seeing the storks in their nests.
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The Ardenne horses are a joy to see, especially at this time of year with their foals.
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The Voie Vert runs through France and Belgium - it shares the Eurovelo19 route and the signage is very good. We continue to be surprised not to see many other cyclists touring. There are a few, but not many.
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Great signage
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We have reached Stenay and didn’t realize that our check-in time is not until 6 pm!…and it is rainging. Yikes…this is new to us but seems to be a thing in this area. We found this bakery which helped to console us and put in some time.
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A beautiful Patisserie.
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We will take some of these to have with coffee in our room. Yum.
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Karen PoretMacarons! ❤️
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3 months ago

Today's ride: 54 km (34 miles)
Total: 895 km (556 miles)

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