Erden to Mehring - The Bartletts tour Europe on their E-Tandem - CycleBlaze

May 15, 2024

Erden to Mehring

We have really enjoyed staying at Landhauskiebel in Erden. We are just steps from the river, but we are enjoying the oasis that has been created here in the garden. 

Seavo had a lovely spot to spend the night…under cover of grape vines in the garden.
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An elegant breakfast room
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Breakfast was good with lots of choices
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Various palm trees, orange and lemon trees laden with fruit, plus sitting and lounging areas made this a welcoming space.
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Orange trees in barrels and palm trees in the back garden of Landhauskiebel.
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We have enjoyed our stay here and feel refreshed and ready to head out.
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Our host has created a very welcoming place to stay. Our accomodation was beautifully done with a comfortable sitting area, a private balcony and comfy bed. We loved how quiet it was.
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Our host came out to bid us farewell.
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Refreshed and restored, we are ready to set out for another day along the Moselle.
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We often see sun dials in the vineyards. This one caught our eye set into a ruin.
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Bike rentals available here.
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Remnants of a fortification atop the vineyard.
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Right of way definitely goes to this guy…size matters!
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Lots of work happening in the vineyards today. These workers are very high up near the top. Many of these wineries have been family owned for generations.
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Egyptian geese parents keeping a watchful eye on their family. (Thanks Steve for your gentle reminder…they are not ducks!)
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And away they go, keeping close to mom, with dad bringing up the rear, ever watchful and protective.
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How nice to find these bike stations with a pump and tools…free to all.
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We love many things about riding in Europe, and the excellent signage for cyclists is top of the list. The stickers on the pole are also markers for different routes.
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We were cycling along with no one around…it felt like we were the only people on the route, when along came three velomobiles. Love seeing them. These guys have no need for rain gear, but on a hot sunny day, we imagine that it can become pretty steamy inside.
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This guesthouse has a Maibaum…May Tree or Maypole in front. It is a pole with a decorated tree on top with streamers on a ring. These are found all over Germany, however, in Bavaria the Maibaum has interesting traditions. One weird tradition (to us) is Maypole theft. The pole is cut down and left to dry for some time. A neighbouring community can try to steal pole and use it for their community. If they are not caught within the community it is from, they can keep it but the owners must buy it back with beer. If they are caught within the community border, they have to return it.
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Suzanne GibsonYes, the tradition is still very alive here where I live in Bavaria. Great fun for all!
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3 months ago
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We usually have something packed for lunch, but not today. We found this bakery on google maps and quickly abandoned the route for break. It may not be a protein lunch, but these pastries and coffee are hitting the spot.
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A child of a bakery family…cute.
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Liked this house with an attached barn.
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These beautiful horses were by the trail and were curious.
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Barry turned on his iPhone and pulled out the Bluetooth speaker. We were listening to classical music and the horses came running. They were grooving and loving it. This also has worked with the deer and cows. Music…is truly a universal language.
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Piesporter grapes is grown around the village of Piesport. Wine has been made in this area since Roman times.
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The village of Piesport
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A venison farm…we sat and talked to this young deer and soon others were rushing over to have a visit as well.
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Usually the route along the Moselle is pretty flat. But here we got to climb a bit and enjoy wonderful views. Loved this section. Isn’t it good that we are powered by bakery fare and coffee?
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So many vineyards have a small chapel set amongst the vines.
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Well tended vines
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It is cool today with spots of rain. The trailer always tells a story of the kind of day we have had.
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Well, this is different…a tunnel with steps and a ramp. Thankfully the ramp was wide enough for our trailer.
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Wine country is also rose country. We see beautiful large tree sized rose bushes covered in blossoms.
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So much work to keep a vineyard flourishing. It must be good to have some areas that are flat.
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An impressive Insect Hotel which provides a nesting structure for insects.
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It has been an on and off rainy but cool day. We will be glad to get to our destination as we are dirty from mud on the trail and quite wet. This fellow has the right idea.
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Despite the weather, we have had a great day.
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We have reached our destination. We are in the village of Mehring and will stay here.
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Charmaine RuppoltYou all stay in nice places! :)
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3 months ago

Today's ride: 59 km (37 miles)
Total: 366 km (227 miles)

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