We have enjoyed our stay here at the Fasthotel in Dun-sur-Meuse. In most of our travels in France, we see that pets are welcome everywhere. We enjoyed the two dogs who were staying in the hotel. It felt homey to see dogs sitting quietly with their family at breakfast.
Sadly, we are becoming pros at using the postal service in foreign countries. It is a good system but not for the faint of heart. We were pretty organized having taken photos of each item we are mailing as we know that International shipping requires a detailed itemized list with description, weight and value. Nonetheless, despite the incredible help we received from the staff, we were there over two hours. When finished, it feels like you have been “through the mill”.
The manager at the Postal Office took us under our wing. We were so grateful for her help and common sense. She input each item online for us. We greatly appreciate the time and energy given to us by both of the women who work at the post ofrice.
Steve Miller/GrampiesAny time we have done mailbacks we just write "used personal items" and assign a global, low end value of under 50 dollars. It has worked every time with no difficulties. Reply to this comment 10 months ago
It was like magic. Somehow we were able to pay, sign the documents and pay just as the closing time for lunch arrived. In France, most businesses close at noon for about 2 hours to give staff time to eat, perhaps enjoy an aperitif and relax. Thank goodness, we didn’t have to continue after lunch.
Charmaine RuppoltNice that people have TWO HOURS for lunch in France! :) They should make that the normal for the U.S.! Reply to this comment 10 months ago
WW1 had such an impact on this area. Each village has commemorative statues and plaques honouring the fallen soldiers. This square is by the river in Don-sun-Meuse.
This bridge was an important place during WW1. It was destroyed and the Engineers of American troops were successful in building a temporary replacement for this strategic spot.
This magnificent church in the countryside of Mont-decant-Sassey is considered one of the most beautiful religious buildings in the district of Lorraine. Dating back from 1127, it features Romanesque and Gothic architecture.
We never tire of the lush rural countryside of this area of France. Barry and Seavo (minus the panniers) are waiting for me to take some photos. So far, the motor works much of the time when we leave it in the lowest power level. With the load of 2 people and our gear, it is hard to tell if we even have a motor some of the time. But by conserving the load on the motor, we are hoping that it will get us there, albeit slowly.
It has been a very cold May here and the clouds are constantly with us, threatening rain. The cows seem very contented and not threatened by us. Perhaps it is because we are trying to speak to them in French.
We had just sat down to have a treat from the bakery when this group of French riders zoomed over to chat and check us out. They were intrigued by our strange bike and they were devastated for us that our motor is not working. Oh well, almost 1000 km to go..we’ll be fine but slower than usual.
We are staying here for 2 nights at Moulin le Cygne in the small village of Stenay. It is an 18th century mill that has been renovated and fixed up from much decay by the current owner. He has created five small,apartments. Wow, it is beautiful.
The view from our suite at the front. We have a spacious living room and kitchen, a lovely bedroom and deep window sills to sit on and look at the view. Our bedroom overlooks a huge garden at the back with fig trees and flowers. Lovely.
Karen PoretEnjoy! Looks lovely! Hoping for no rain..or less of an impact, for all of us visiting here in Europe, anyway! Reply to this comment 10 months ago