The beautifully restored medieval city of Limburg an der Lahn is one of the treasures in Europe we love to visit. In many ways, it has become like home base for us due to its proximity to where we stay on the farm. Like the lovely Lahn River Cycling Route, Limburg is very popular with Germans and parts of Europe, but somehow, word of this special place has not reached non European travellers. The half timber buildings, often with slate roofs or decorative slate tiles are beautiful. There is much to see in Limburg.
The main hot meal of the day is at midday, with a cold meal of an assortment of bread, cheese, meat, pickles etc in the evening. Pictured here is Clara having lunch. It is great to catch up with her and hear what she has been doing the past 5 years. In the interim, she has graduated from University, completed an international exchange in Sweden and is working on her Master’s thesis. We are very proud of her and her accomplishments.
Cora has a busy day ahead on the farm. She dropped us off in Limburg so,that we could take our time exploring Limburg on foot. We appreciate that as we would normally ride our bike, but sadly Seavo remains in the shop.😿 It is Saturday and much is happening in Limburg. There is a festive air and the sun is shining. There is an extensive market as well as a whisky festival. We finally asked a group why they had leather fobs around their necks with a small drinking glass attached. They explained that throughout the core of Limburg, there are large tents hosting the festival.
When you see colourfully painted eggs in the shop or at the market, you know the eggs are hard boiled and ready for eating.
German people love meat and the quality is always good. Most food trucks like this sell the meat to take away or they will prepare ready to eat buns if you wish.
The old town of Limburg has one of the best preserved historic sites in the region. The town is home to many half-timbered houses built in the 17th and 18th centuries with some back to the 13th century. The oldest free standing house in Germany can be found in Limburg. It was built in 1289 and remains standing and preserved.
These lovely historic half timbered buildings have stood the test of time. When looking at them closely, the passage of time is revealed in straight lines becoming curved and irregular and the rounded edges. This just adds to the charm.
It is sunny but there is a cold wind…thank goodness for our Japanese down lightweight jackets…for us, a travel necessity. We discovered this charming art shop filled with charming creations.
Businesses like this bakery have been here for centuries. Their standard and creativity remains very high. We have had cake and coffee at this cafe before…so good.
Limburg an der Lahn is distinguished by its incredible half timbered homes. It has the most preserved concentration of buildings like this in Germany. In our experience, Limburg is well worth a visit.
Germany has been enriched by the immigration of Italians as they brought their expertise in pizza and pasta. And for us, the delicious house made Italian ice cream is incredible. Every city, village here have Eis Cafes.
Limburg Cathedral. This church occupies a commanding presence up a hill and is a landmark from afar. Construction began in 920. It is considered to be one of the finest examples of late Roma sequences architecture. From 1960 to 1989, an image of the cathedral appeared on the 1000 Deutsche Mark note.
Remember we showed you Emma, the amazing wood furnace the Reitz family have installed? Well, this is some of the wood rounds that they have prepared. Their field of fire wood will last for several years. Forgot to mention that they have also installed a pellet stove for an alternate source when needed.
Germany has responded to a need for dealcoholized beer and the result is very good. We loved this lemony Radler. Radlers are so named as it means a bike rider, and the alcohol has always been lower in alcohol content. This 0% alcohol is new to us.
steve bartleyWe ate at that same pub. A very German place to eat. Limburg is a great place to visit. We spent 5 days there in 2019. Years ago I cycled there from Koblenz Reply to this comment 9 months ago
Barry BartlettTo steve bartleyIsn’t it a small world. Yes, Limburg is a place we have come to know quite well. The Lahn is a pleasant river to tour. Reply to this comment 9 months ago