Day 4: Weilheim to Gauting - Dipping into Tyrol - CycleBlaze

September 26, 2021

Day 4: Weilheim to Gauting

This was to be the rainy Sunday, the day we were going to settle for a train ride home. But the rain is holding off, we see some sun and it's going to be another good cycling day. My stomach is feeling settled enough, so it's seize the day.

No breakfast at our youth hostel. Apparently if you don't book breakfast when you book your room, they won't have the fixin's in the kitchen for it. We are only a few kilometers outside of Weilheim and we are hoping to find something to eat on a Sunday morning. We ride into town along the Ammer, our location left nothing to be desired.

A stream feeding into the Ammer
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Karen PoretWow does not do this photo enough justice! This photo solace is helping me now on July 4, 2023 when I have to hear ( grudgingly) fireworks going off in the night.
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11 months ago
Early morning sun peering through the trees
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Scott AndersonThat really is a beautiful bicycle.
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2 years ago
The bicycle path to Weilheim
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We find an open cafe with seating in the sunshine, and they have sumptuous breakfasts on the menu. I took very few pictures on our final day. I was feeling good enough and enjoying the ride, but I didn't have a lot of energy. So no pictures of the beautiful Sunday breakfast that Janos had. I went for tea and a soft pretzel.

It was fortunate that we veered off the planned route when we rode into Weilheim. Komoot re-routed us onto lovely country roads. Otherwise we would have been following the course of the Ammer, probably on an unsealed surface and with plenty of other cyclists. It was a pleasure to ride through peaceful farming country on a Sunday morning. No pictures.

We knew we had one bigger climb coming up, the ascent after leaving the basin of the Ammersee, Bavaria's third largest lake. I was looking forward to it. I like hills, even before I had an e-bike I liked hills. Flat quickly becomes monotonous for me and monotony makes riding feel very strenuous. Starting in Fischen we began the little climb, playing leap frog with a young couple on road bikes. When it got steep we could easily pass them, when it flattened out they shot off into the distance.

After reaching the top at Erling we had some lesser ups and downs until we approached Starnberg and then the final stretch home. The second half of today's ride is all within the radius of our day outings and it is familiar ground. Even though we have ridden it often, we found ourselves saying, "Oh, isn't it beautiful here!" Trying to avoid bumpy paths through the woods, I had even managed to find a new route leading towards Starnberg that we hadn't taken before. 

And this was to be a rainy day in the forecast.
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One last picture from the road. I set up my camera and mini tripod, and of course at that moment someone came by and offered to take the picture for us. The picture turned out a bit fuzzy, but that wasn't the photographer's fault. When setting the timer, I had somehow messed up the other settings on the camera.

Fountain in Perchting
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Charmaine RuppoltGreat pic of you both! :)
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1 year ago

One last picture, seen on the wall in the youth hostel.

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With this in mind, we are wondering if there will be another window of good weather for a short tour before it gets too cold.

And another window did open. Read about it in Austria Again.

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Today's ride: 42 km (26 miles)
Total: 184 km (114 miles)

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Scott AndersonYou certainly could hope for another break in the weather. This is turning into a very generous autumn that keeps on giving.
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2 years ago
Keith KleinHallo, servus!
Well, that certainly was a nice tour, stomach problems aside. Fall can be so beautiful, so with luck you’ll be treating us to another tour later in the season.
Mit vielen schoenen Gruss ,
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2 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Scott AndersonStay tuned - we are heading for the Salzkammergut!
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2 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Keith KleinServus und Grüß Gott! Another short tour is coming up, we hope to be riding in the Salzkammergut tomorrow. Schöne Grüße!
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonTo Suzanne GibsonYippee!
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2 years ago
Gregory GarceauSeize the day, indeed. Cycling through the pain of digestive issues qualifies you as a Tough Gal. Thanks for doing that and posting this fine journal.
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2 years ago
Nancy GrahamSeems I spoke a little too soon on my last comment as you stomach did not leave you totally well the next day. Tough gal that you are, you have gotten past it and shared a wonderful mini-tour. Thank you.
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2 years ago