Day 3: Schwangau to Weilheim - Dipping into Tyrol - CycleBlaze

September 25, 2021

Day 3: Schwangau to Weilheim

The story continues, beautiful weather and a bad belly. Yesterday when we arrived in Schwangau, the Imodium seemed to have done its job and I thought a light meal was in order. But I hardly made it back to our room without mishap. I took another Imodium, hoped I was going to be able to ride my bike the next day and tried to sleep. I wonder what I ate that was causing me so much grief.

I felt okay in the morning and decided we could continue. We had easy climbs and a lovely descent down to Lake Ammersee. The bike paths here in Bavaria were also an improvement over some of the rougher trails in Austria.

We are leaving the mountains behind - Lake Bannwaldsee near Schwangau.
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With more distance to the mountains we have lovely skyline panoramas.
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Kathleen JonesOh Suzanne ….
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2 years ago
Rich FrasierIf I could give this picture 20 hearts I would do it.
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2 years ago
Scott AndersonOh, wow. Sorry about your stomach issues, but so glad you’re out there. And look at those two matching cranks on Janos’ bike! Much better.
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2 years ago
Karen PoretThis is the best photo ever! AND, Janos is in it!
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11 months ago
More cows dot the hillsides.
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Around noon we are in Steingaden. I have a vague memory that we have been here before, Janos is perplexed that he remembers nothing at all. The monastery church at Steingaden has an impressive rococo interior.

Organ and ceiling fresco showing the founding of the Steingaden monastery.
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If you look carefully, you can find him in the ceiling fresco.
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The monastery garden with Sankt-Johannes-Kapelle
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The monastery herb garden, an inviting place to sit a while
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For lunch we found a shady beer garden. Black tea and a pretzel for me. Excellent roads and vistas continue until we reach Weilheim.

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The terrain flattens as we approach our destination.
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I am wondering what our hotel, Family Hotel Klug, will be like tonight. Again there hadn't been much choice and I'm hoping that the families are going to be well behaved and not too loud. The location is excellent, right next to the Ammer River, a peaceful spot outside of Weilheim.

At the entrance I see that it is a Naturfreundehaus. That rings a bell.

"Friends of Nature Houses emerged from the Friends of Nature movement, which was founded by socialists in Vienna in 1895. Friends of Nature Houses were intended to enable workers to spend their free time in nature, something that at that time was often beyond a worker's means. There are more than 1,000 Nature Friends Houses worldwide, including over 400 in Germany."

Friends of Nature House
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Charmaine RuppoltInteresting about the Friends of Nature Houses. :)
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1 year ago

We soon see we are in a youth hostel. Apparently it isn't a Family Hotel, it's a Family Hostel. I missed that when booking. I have stayed in many a hostel in my day and find they are a fine institution. However, in the course of time, they have become almost or just as expensive as a regular hotel. But you still have to make your own bed, there are no towels provided and the toilet and shower are down the hall. For a small fee we could rent towels, but a toilet down the hall, oh no, not today.

Our Spartan room
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I had been feeling okay all day and thought I might need more nourishment than a pretzel, so I had a light meal, some pasta with a bit of lean meat at the hostel's restaurant. It was a shame not to eat the tempting salad, but I was being careful. When the cook had no more orders to prepare, he came out to entertain the children at the table next to ours with a classic sleight of hand. After stuffing a red handkerchief into his fist and making it disappear, he pulled it out of the little boy's ear. Wow! We were warming up to the otherwise disappointing place where we landed.

Unfortunately, I did have to visit the bathroom down the hall several times and I had terrible cramps. Food was not agreeing with me. And what about tomorrow, the ride home?

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Today's ride: 56 km (35 miles)
Total: 142 km (88 miles)

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Emily SharpI have permanent berglust - I'm always trying to plan mtn trips. I could not care less about rivers and beaches, but I love a good climb and mtn scenery :-)
This was a gorgeous ride and so glad you could take advantage of the good weather and squeeze in a mini-tour before the season ends. And I hope the tummy bug resolved itself - definitely no fun to be dealing with that and not getting the energy you need while out on the bike.
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonI’m so sorry about your stomach issues. It’s so awful when you are on the road!
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2 years ago