Anne Mathers - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

Anne Mathers


Title Ratings
Springtime Spin in Southern Spain 2504
Bumbling in Basilicata, Putzing in Puglia 3163
Here Comes the Sun, Spain 2022 1442
Springtime Spin in Sardinia 2019 1281
Springtime Spin in Sicily 2018 712
French Alps 2017 53


My cycle touring days began in 1981 with a solo tour of Europe on an Apollo Prestige 10 speed after completing five gruelling years of university. That four month solo adventure set the hook and I have been at it ever since, give or take, with a few years of hiking mixed in.

My husband and I have cycled the west coast of North America from Victoria to LA several times, the spine of the Rockies from Jasper to Idaho, the Maritimes in eastern Canada, the eastern states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, and Europe, where we have visited France, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and Austria. If Lichtenstein counts as a country, we rode there too. Apologies to Lichtensteiners, but it's a very petite place in the scheme of things. 

Our bicycles and gear have changed over the decades but our love of travel and experiencing new places, people and food has only grown deeper.  With every trip, our memory banks get topped up and, as long as we can still do it, we plan to continue. 

We are both grateful and much richer for it. 

Cycling never fails to muster up some happy!
Our mainstay bikes for touring were these Cannondales before we switched to Bike Friday in 2000.