Kelly Iniguez - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

Kelly Iniguez


Title Ratings
We'll see you when the snow melts. 2294
Climbs, Castles, And Cobblestones in Spain And Portugal 2023 1873
Big Mountains, Small Towns. 1631
Hiding From Old Man Winter 95
My Bicycling Bliss 201
I'm Happy To Be Here 397
Colorado Colors Tour 2021 270
The Only Thing Fast On This Tour Is The Ferry 707
Forty Two Miles A Day And Going Nowhere. 196
Tucson Area Thanksgiving Tour 2020 17
The cat named Chevy won't stop this tour, and neither can COVID 106
British Columbia 2019 36
I've never been so ill prepared or so determined to tour 46
South of Tucson 28
Exploring northwest and central Colorado with a bit of Wyoming thrown in 23
The ride smarter, not harder tour 17
The Squealing with Glee Tour 33
The ROX Rocks Aspen 11
I'm as loose as a Type A person can be. 19
Eschewing glitz and glamour 13
Near Paradise after 30 years of marriage 49
Six days until Taos 21
The Granny Panties Tour 56
S24O to Redstone, CO 3
Colorado Independence 16
Climbing and Cruising in Central Colorado 9
There Ain't No Air In This Air! 15
The Mountain Goat Tour 16
Grand Mesa, CO loop 2011 4
Wolf Creek Loop 2010 4
A pictorial journal of the Slumgullion Tour 2010 5
Expanded Slumgullion Tour 2009 16
Four Weeks in Oregon and Idaho - Summer 2006 58
Following the Lewis and Clark Trail 2005 44


I started bicycle touring in 1992 with an organized border to border ride with a girlfriend, riding a diamond frame bicycle. I've tried many types of bicycles, riding a tandem and even a triplet with the kids when they were little. In 1998 I  admitted that rear end pain issues were interfering with my cycling fun. I went recumbent. 

I've gone from organized SAG rides, to organized camping rides, to self contained camping, and now to self organized motel/restaurant touring. 

I tour with my husband, Jacinto, and with friends new and old. 

The Cycle Blaze community has been welcoming. I look forward to becoming part of the family.

Monument Valley, 2020, during our border to border ride.