Kathleen Classen - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

Kathleen Classen


Title Ratings
Poking Around Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France 5202
Poking Around Europe 8.0 4217
Poking Around Europe 7.0 4941
Poking Around South of the Border 340
Poking Around Europe 6.0 2828
Poking Around Europe 5.0 1998
Poking Around Europe 4.0 72
Poking Around Europe 3.0 55
Poking Around Europe 2.0 69
Poking Around Europe on our Bikes Germany and France 99


We are Keith and Kathleen Classen. We love bike touring, even in the rain.
The Furka Pass. We had a perfect day for it.
The cobbles on Gotthard Pass. One of the most amazing rides of our lives.