Jon Ayling - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

Jon Ayling


Title Ratings
Alma Mater 231
Land of the Rabbits 643
Home from Home 45
Go West, Young(ish) Man, Go West 287
Norfolk 'n Good 32
To Hull and Back 352
The Hills are Alive (with the sound of wheezing) 429
Tour displacement therapy 629
Bohemian Rhapsody 245
Find The River 42
The Middle of Sweden 31
Off Road in the Cambrians 7
A rather short introduction to Welsh mountains 4
The land of the Belgians and Luxembourgeois 100


I'm Jon, I've lived in Bedfordshire and latterly beautiful Cornwall, and one my great joys is attempting to ride by bike around my back yard, county, country and beyond.

I tend to take a bit of a DIY attitude to this touring malarkey, having started off with a succession of more or less unsuitable bikes and learning the hard way to keep them going as bits fell off them and wheels fell apart. Likewise, I'm a fan of the freedom and adventure of wild camping.

This approach seems to have stuck, and I still find myself disappearing for two-week stints generally to the continent every year. I have cycled through Central Sweden, between the Jura, Black Forest and Rhine, and through the Low Countries to Luxembourg. When I lived in Oxford I would disappear off to Wales fairly frequently.