Jeff Lee - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

Jeff Lee


Title Ratings
From Bubbleland 277
"Vibes" 6834
"Two Days, Two Weeks, or Two Months" 835
Summer's Almost Gone 2472
Destination Unknown 947
Deep South 744
Cincinnasty to the Mistake on the Lake 392
Oregon Coast to Kentucky WITH NO FLAT TIRES! 2478
Impromptour 213
March Across Missouri 208
Will I Walk? 87
Never Say Never Again 74
I Am the Weakest Link 1881
Forgotten Tour 275
Katy Trail in Two Days 190
"Ride Directly Into the Serpent Without Fear" 846
Hot "Fun" in the Summertime 311
(Brief) Escape from Utah 195
Travels with Little Debbie 1117
Crossing The Country On A Cannondale 249


I've been riding a bike since 2005, and did my first tour in 2006, when I rode across the USA for the first time.

April 2017, with my Wabi Lightning SE, the most beautiful object I've ever owned.