ann and steve maher-weary - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

ann and steve maher-weary


Title Ratings
Midtsommer - Mediterranean to the Fjords 3031
Dreaming On - Over the Pyrenees 3230
More Dreaming - Lisbon to Barcelona 2105
Livin' the Dream: France to Portugal 2021 2165
Cycling Into Retirement Folly 134


This is a momentous day for me. I have become addicted to Cycle Blaze and other cycle blog sites in recent years, always wondering if I could rise to the challenge of adding our stories to the many inspiring tales that have already been written about cycle journeys.  Steven and I have been dreaming of the day we too could join you intrepid wanderers to discover for ourselves the incredible beauty of this world both close to home and far away, from the vantage point of a comfy bicycle seat. 

Previous cycle tours (before Cycle Blaze): 

  • Loire Valley 2005
  • Quebec City to NB Border 2011
  • Niagara - Welland, Ontario circuit 2010
  • Danube -Passau to Budapest and return through Czech 2012
  • PEI 2013
  • Basel to Venice 2016 
  • Basel to Amsterdam, via Rhine, Saar and Mosel rivers 2018
A retirement impulse splurge, a fun tandem for the cottage.

Our first summer of retirement at our cottage in Bathurst, NB, we were riding a back road and we saw this tandem with a for sale sign in someone's driveway.  On impulse we went in and because it was ridiculously cheap, we bought it.  It is suitable for local rides but not suitable for touring.