R2: 博贺 - Insert Witty Title Here - CycleBlaze

May 26, 2023

R2: 博贺

Damage to my hat
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I don't think there's any part of me that doesn't hurt.

All in all, as backwards tumbles into a meter deep hole go, I would say I escaped relatively unscathed. My compression stockings¹ are a bit roughed up and there's some damage to the back of my straw hat that would indicate—had this not been a bicycle-adjacent accident—I could have otherwise hit my head², but the only actual wounds I've got are the deep scratches that might have been thorns and might have been broken concrete³.

It's just I've got bruises everywhere. And, although I've started taking Amoxicillin (to great effect) for the okay-its-not-a-cold, I'm in those early stages of treatment where everything suddenly drains and my ears pop and I blow my nose 25 minutes after taking antibiotics only to slowly resume feeling poorly over the six hours until my next scheduled dose.

Telecommunications cable has no copper! People who damage telecommunications cable will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
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It's probably a good indicator of just how crap I'm feeling that while I do handle checking the daily social media shorts for Large Media Client⁴ and I translate a piece with a deadline (on archaeological digs in my province), I straight up ignore Tibetan Medicinal Bathing for the prospect of instead lying in bed with eyes closed.

Also, and because I'm just so very pleased with them, I've learned to upload videos to YouTube....for which I would appreciate some feedback because they look super compressed on my phone.


¹ Intended for runners and originally purchased to keep the UV off my big tattoo, I not only look slightly less stupid wearing both of them, the compression effect feels good on the bad leg.

² Of course the amount of extra circumference the hat adds to the helmet on top of the extra circumference the helmet adds to the head means that I also might have reacted in time...

³ Strips of thorny plant somehow ended up inside the lower edge of my bike shorts but the concrete seems a more likely culprit for the cause of the gash.

⁴ It is entirely possible that part of why I'm not thrilled and excited by the task of getting my own content out there on all the platforms is because my paying work involves doing other people's content .

Today's ride: 1 km (1 miles)
Total: 511 km (317 miles)

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Bill ShaneyfeltAgreed. Looks like about double speed.
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1 year ago
Marian RosenbergTo Bill ShaneyfeltIt's supposed to be variable speeds fast and slow, it's also supposed to be HD
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1 year ago
Bill ShaneyfeltI fiddled with the controls and found the first one, playback speed range on its controls was from .25 to 2, but the actual playback speed varied from shot to shot. Even at .25, it was really fast in spots.

Quality range on the first was 144p to 720p but on auto played at 720.

Second one same speed but quality range was 144 to 2160.

That said, I have never messed with playback controls before and rarely do videos because of failing hearing. In that regard, there was some closed caption in the first both English and Chinese, but the CC button did not operate. The second had only Chinese subtitles and in quite large font but the CC button was not functional.

Again, I know nothing!!
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1 year ago
Marian RosenbergTo Bill ShaneyfeltThe action should be variable speeds, that's fine... what shouldn't be happening is a max of 720p resolution. The one that's only Chinese is just song lyrics.
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1 year ago