Madison to New Glarus (Little Switzerland) via Badger State and Sugar River Trails - Wisconsin Wanderlust: Supported (Mostly) Tour de Rail Trails - CycleBlaze

July 4, 2024

Madison to New Glarus (Little Switzerland) via Badger State and Sugar River Trails

I can't remember being on a bike tour over a holiday. Today's Independence Day ride has us heading southwest to a town that calls itself "America's Little Switzerland" - New Glarus WI. It apparently earned that title by being founded by Swiss settlers in the mid-1800s. By that logic, the town I grew up in (Freeport, NY) should really be called "America's Little Tax Evader Haven."

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The ride started on the same Madison paved trails we followed the previous day but then got on the Badger State Trail to head southwest. After about 7 miles the surface became the usual double track green tunnel with occasional muddy spots, many chipmunks/rabbits/deer and periodic bridges over streams and wetlands.

The first 14 miles or so were flat to slightly downhill, but after the lunch stop the trail started to climb to reach the 1200 foot-long Stewart Tunnel, known for having a bend in the middle that means you can not see the exit from the entrance. However, sections of loose and falling rocks from the ceiling and side walls inside the tunnel  caused the DNR to close the tunnel in 2019 for safety concerns. It is currently being repaired, might be reopened in late 2024.  There is a short low-traffic but hilly detour to go around the ridge the tunnel went through.

Carole had decided to try out an e-bike from the lunch stop and had given me her cellphone to carry, meaning she had no communications if we got seperated. Right before the detour, the couple on the tandem passed us and when we hit the steep climb on the detour, I knew (we've been married and biking together for 35 years) what was going to happen. So, I very clearly said to Carole: "When you get to the top of the hill, stop and wait for me, don't go flying down the hill" and Carole very clearly said "OK."

So, of course, when we hit the steep part Carole pedaled her hardest, the motor matched her power and she flew up and over the hill and disappeared - when I finally crested the hill she and the tandem were nowhere to be seen. After a screaming downhill, the road made a sharp left while a double track path went straight. "Uh oh," the little angel on my shoulder thought. "What if Carole went straight??" "That's the guide's problem" said the little husband-devil on the other shoulder, so I rode on.

Carole and the tandem riders overshot the return to the Badger State trail, so when I got back on the trail I could see them on the trail and shouted for Carole to wait for me, which she sheepishly did...

The trail entered a heavily wooded area, hit a road where we made a near U-turn to get on the Sugar River Trail and a pleasant 7 mile spin into New Glarus where the van was waiting with a fine charcuterie board lunch (bragging note: I spelled charcuterie right on the first try!)

Riders enjoying the "charkootchy" board lunch.
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We had some time to stroll the small town but many shops were closed for the holiday. Cows and goats on roofs was a common thing in Little Switzerland, not sure how Big Switzerland feels about that.

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Soon it was time for another van ride back to the Indigo Hotel.  Most restaurants were closed for the holiday so we had a group meal in the hotel.

Today's ride: 27 miles (43 km)
Total: 177 miles (285 km)

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