Final Thoughts and Lessons Learned - Wisconsin Wanderlust: Supported (Mostly) Tour de Rail Trails - CycleBlaze

Final Thoughts and Lessons Learned

Despite various medical and weather issues that popped up, we had an awesome cycling-centric vacation. Some thoughts:

  1. Four days of driving for 7 days of biking was a bit much - flying, renting bikes and renting a car for a few days in Door County would probably have made sense. I'd like to do that for an off-season cycling weekend there.
  2. Very high marks to Wilderness Voyagers for the quality of the tour and especially for the quality of the guides, Terri and Scott. The "Wisconsin Wanderlust" tour is pretty new for the company, I'm sure it will get even better from here.
  3. I liked the smorgasbord approach to "sampling" many rail trails but I think the ordering/timing could be improved to reduce time spent shuttling.
  4. I now know why Madison WI scores so high in every bicycling survey - it has an extensive, well thought out, well connected, well maintained trail system. And bicycle traffic lights!
  5. Milwaukee surprised me with extensive biking trails and lots of parks and neighborhoods worth revisiting.
  6. Sister's Bay is very crowded, especially over the 4th of July weekend.
  7. Lake Michigan is huuuge!
  8. Much like the C&O Canal Towpath, rain anytime within a few weeks of riding will mean a muddy experience on all of the trails we were on.
  9. Cheese curds are pretty much just fried cheese, sorry CheeseHeads.
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Gregory GarceauA couple years ago I did a tour across Wisconsin and came to the same conclusion as you did about the cycle-friendliness of both Madison and Milwaukee. I also very much enjoyed the Glacial Drumlin Trail and normally I'm not that much of a trail guy.

And, going back to my earlier comment, if those bugs were crunchy and were pinging on your helmet, you're right--they weren't gnats.
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3 months ago