Meetup on the Santa Cruz - Winterlude 2024 - CycleBlaze

February 6, 2025

Meetup on the Santa Cruz

We seem to be fated to just keep crossing paths with the Branhams, ever since we were startled to find that our Bike Fridays apparently multiplied in the dark in the bike room of our hotel in Sarlat just over two years ago.  When we left them the previous evening they had the spread to themselves but by the next morning they had company.  We thought were seeing double, and now there were four New World Tourists crowding each other.  Fortunately the four of us timed our exits from the hotel so that we met up at the door and introduced ourselves, and since then we’ve crossed paths with them often enough that they feel like kinfolk by now.  I’m losing count, but I think this makes our sixth meetup in less than two and a half years: in Sarlat, in Valencia, in Portland, and now in Tucson again for the third winter in a row.  

This morning they’re driving over from the west side where their camper is parked in a caravan park to join us on a cruise up the Cruz to its end a few miles past El Rio. The ride we have planned looks likely to be a fast one, at somewhere between forty and fifty miles depending on how far and fast folks want to go.  For myself, my plan is stop short at El Rio and check out the bird scene there while others continue on for a few miles further if they wish.

The meetup is planned for 9:30 just north of the Saint Mary’s access.  We don’t want to be late to the affair so we leave twenty minutes early even though it’s only a mile away from our apartment just in case there’s a slow eastbound train blocking the road at the Granada, as happens again today - but we’ve allowed for this and still arrive on time even after detouring down Stone Avenue and through downtown.  I’m just checking out a pair of vermillion flycatchers flitting in the mesquites when they pull up and start unloading their wheels du jour.

Conditions are really excellent for today’s ride as we follow the by now familiar, very popular trail along the west side of the river until we finally cross over to the east bank on Sunset Road, and then back across again at Ina Road.  With me leading most of the way out we maintain a resonably brisk pace all the way to El Rio, where as planned I stop, pull the Canon out of the rucksack I’ve been toting it in, and start looking around while the others continue further south.  

Rachael rides another two miles with them before turning back and collecting me on the way so we can hang out in the shade by the loo and enjoy our lunch while we wait for the Branhams to return twenty minutes or so later after continuing along to the end of the new pavement at Gladden Farms.  

So let’s take a break here, look at a few bird pics, enjoy a refreshing breeze here in the shade by these brilliant acacias, and relax.  They’ll be back soon enough. 

Let’s do it!
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Sky writing.
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Great blue heron
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Gadwall pinball
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American wigeon
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Steve Miller/GrampiesGreen-winged Teal, eh.
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1 month ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesWell, yeah. I had wigeons on my mind for some reason.
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1 month ago
Snowy egret
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Kelly IniguezThey've started to bloom! Is it just that area, or all over town?
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1 month ago
Scott AndersonTo Kelly IniguezI think they’re starting to pop open here and there but I think it’s just beginning. They’re so attractive.
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1 month ago
Karen PoretTo Scott AndersonBeen blooming here for weeks ;Achoo ..
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1 month ago
On the Loop.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesCould use this for an old fashioned wallpaper. Dodie
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1 month ago
Bill ShaneyfeltVery nice, and on a finely flowered Baja fairy duster!
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1 month ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesYou’re right! A little too frilly for my bedroom as a child, but I’d have been very happy to start the day with it in the bathroom.
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1 month ago

Ah, here they come.  And in a surprise, at about the time they arrive another couple stops in to share the table with us, and it’s not long before we’ve made acquaintance with a pair of Brits, Heather and Kev, down in Tucson for I think their fourth or fifth winter in a row to get in some off season cycling and escape their harsh northern winter for a few months.  We’re envious when we learn that they live in one of our favorite corners on the planet - in Yorkshire, not far from Leeds.  

There’s talk of how wonderful the cycling and walking is in Grassington, the beautiful little village we stayed at for too short a time last summer and hope to return to on this one, and we exchange addresses so we can keep in touch and maybe have a meetup there in late August or so.

Meetup at El Rio: Heather and Kev, from Yorkshire; Rachael, Barry, Janice
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Bob KoreisIt's like the old Honda ad, only it's on bicycles that you meet the nicest people.
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1 month ago

And then we head back to the car, really racing this time as Barry passes me and bombs off down the road at about twice my speed, quickly disappearing in the distance.  The miles fly by as we head north, uphill all the way but hardly working as we’ve picked up a strong afternoon tailwind to do most of the work.

Were all hungry and in a hurry when we catch up with them at their car, so we just wave and continue on to our meal plan for the day - an outdoor table in the shade at El Charro.  We’ll be seeing them again tomorrow at another meetup, this one a dinner with music date (the famous Gem Show is on this week, and rhere’s a lot of action to choose from in town now).

So let’s stop here, enjoy the video as Coltrane pairs up with our zephyr to blast us home with Giant Steps, and we’ll see you after the break. 

A loop on the Loop.
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Bill ShaneyfeltSky version of snow donuts?
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1 month ago

Sound track: Giant Steps, by John Coltrane

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Today's ride: 43 miles (69 km)
Total: 677 miles (1,090 km)

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Janice BranhamI think your count is right on at 6 meetups. Thanks for the video, good memories.
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1 month ago