So that was interesting. After a post with one or more humans in every photo though, I think it’s time to let a few other species share the limelight. First, there’s this charming photo that arrived in the morning mail of our favorite service dog in training, Levi:
Lyle offers this explanation for what’s going on here: “It’s part of the Goofy Puppy Cuteness module 🐾. Essential training, it causes you to love them and continue to feed them.”
Lyle also expresses his sympathies for the fearsome cold spell we’ve been dealing with down here, barely mentioning that their own low tonight up in Canmore is expected to be -40.
No biking today. It’s not forty below or anything like that, but high winds and midday rain and hail are enough to deter Susan and Team Anderson. Our day starts with having breakfast over at Susan’s warmer and more comfortable apartment, followed by an important phone call to check in with a dear friend. After that we all marked time for several hours until the squall passed and then made the most of the few remaining hours of daylight: Rachael and Susan went for a walk through downtown, and I drove back to Sweetwater.
I didn’t really expect to find much in these weather conditions, especially since I’ve already seen most of the birds I can hope to find here this winter. So it was a great surprise to come home with three new species. I wasn’t that excited by my first starling of the year, but the orange-crowned warbler and especially the green heron were great finds.
Tomorrow though, back on the bikes!
#65: Orange-crowned warbler. I was thinking this was a lifetime first, but I see I spotted one here last spring too.
1 year ago
1 year ago