Sore shoulder?  Check. - Winterlude 2021 - CycleBlaze

November 13, 2021

Sore shoulder?  Check.

This is our fifth day home, and the first one where the weather looks promising enough that Rachael and I plan to bike out to Marine Drive together.  

This view again! Not wet today or too cold, and there’s still color in the trees. Definitely we should ride.
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It’s chilly and damp when I leave the apartment and head down to Caffe Umbria for my morning fix - no more than the high forties, and it’s foggy down toward the river.  Not too bad really, but enough so that I feel chilled within a half block from home even though I’m reasonably dressed for a change with a Pendleton and jeans.  By the time I walk the half mile to the cafe and order coffee I’m seriously chilled, and don’t really get warmed up for the next hour that I’m there.  I’m feeling off enough that I forego my customary second cup and just head home.  I’m ready to get back under the blankets by the time I’m there again, and Rachael and I discuss whether it’s so cold that we should scrap the bike ride.

I feel guilty because I really should want to go out - this might be the best day all week - but I really don’t feel up to it.  We wait around for a couple of hours until the day warms up a few degrees, but I’m still not there.  Then Rachael asks if I know what the potential symptoms are for the Pfizer Covid booster  vaccine I received yesterday so I look it up.

A public service announcement, just so you’re aware and know what to expect. Still, much better than the list of symptoms for remaining unprotected.
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Bruce LellmanThank you for posting this. I had been wondering what the differences were since I have not gotten my booster yet. Strangely it makes me think what an up-and-coming, 22 year-old, Thai realtor/investor once told me, "High risk = high return." Putting effectiveness of the vaccine with his philosophy maybe I should go with Moderna.
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3 years ago

Injection site reaction?  Check.

Fatigue?  Check.

Muscle aches?  Check.

Headache?  Not so much.

Fever?  Check.

Joint pains?  Check.

Chills?  Check, check.

Six out of seven sounds convincing enough, so I decide to sit it out today, keep under the covers, eat some Tylenol, and wait for improvements.  I can’t find it now but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an article that said symptoms are even worse if you’re old and jet-lagged.  Makes perfect sense.

Rachael went over to Safeway yesterday to get her flu shoot, and while she was there she was thrilled when they asked if she’d like her Covid booster as long as she had her bicep exposed anyway.  She’s been stressed about the fact that she doesn’t qualify for her booster yet under Oregon’s guidelines so this was a huge relief to her.  She came back with a somewhat sore shoulder but no other symptoms, so shortly afterwards we walked down to Jakes for a fish lunch and then came back to the apartment to get back to the serious business of overcoming jet lag.

Her shoulder pain got worse later in the day though (no big surprise, since she got shot twice) and last night she slept poorly because she could only lie comfortably on one side.  This morning it still hurts, as does her neck now which is also very achy.  No noticeable chills or fatigue though, so she decides to go out for a walk to test out how she’s doing.  We’ll report tomorrow on whether she’s made a wise or foolish decision.

So do you think it’s wise for her to go out for a walk in her condition? She looks just a bit peaked to me.
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Bruce LellmanYou captured the quandary in Rachael's mind perfectly, Scott. Beautiful.
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3 years ago
Unfortunately she forgot to take her classy new head mount for her GoPro with her, which she’s wanted for awhile so she could bring back video from her walks. We’ll have to wait awhile yet to see if it’s a winner or not.
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Suzanne GibsonCool! I'm looking forward to the videos!
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3 years ago
David FritschThis looks suspiciously like a mug shot.
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3 years ago
Scott AndersonTo David FritschYes, this is a sorry chapter in Rachael’s past we don’t talk about much.

You’re a Mountaineer! I spent much of my childhood in Charleston.
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3 years ago
The head mount looks totally awesome on her, but even better is the chic look from her new haircut she walked in with yesterday.
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Jen RahnLooks great!!

Now that you look so extra cute and fashionable .. will Scott be able to hang in there to delay his haircut until after the HAC gathering?
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3 years ago
Rachael AndersonTo Jen RahnThanks! No he can’t wait for a haircut since we are going to see his parents at thanksgiving. Besides he looks really dorky when he puts his glasses on over his hair. I’m sure looking forward to seeing you and Ron!
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3 years ago
Jen RahnShoot! I really like the glasses-over-the-hair look.

I'm sure his parents will love seeing both of you with your fancy Thanksgiving haircuts.

Looking forward to seeing you, too!
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3 years ago
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Graham FinchBack to reality - join the club;)
I'm looking forward to seeing the local streets.
Will you get to take any photos of chairs parked outside?
BTW - I fly to the UK at the end of March and will stay for a few months.
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3 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Graham FinchFunny timing. I’m just reading the back half of your journey from Casablanca, where you’re in Devon hunting down family and Frank Patterson’s sites. If we’re on plan we’ll be through this region in early June. Our Schengen days will be up on 5/30 and the plan is to catch the ferry from Roscoff to Plymouth. We should keep track. It might be your chance to pay up that pint you owe me.

I’ll watch for an interesting chair, but I’m not optimistic. For one, there’s likely no sun. And if there were, a homeless case will be squatting on it.
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3 years ago
Graham FinchIt would be great to hook up over in the UK. I have various multi-day tours planned, but will be based around my hometown of Lincoln.

A super way t o plan routes is the OS mapping site. You can payy, but I access it via this site:

Click on the top link (of the two), then zoom out to locate the general area. You can then zoom in to see the small lanes that are best for cycling. I use it in conjunction with Google Street View.
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3 years ago
Andrea BrownChills, fatigue, yep. I was wiped out the following day.
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3 years ago
Bob DistelbergYes, I got boosted earlier this week, and felt extremely fatigued for the next day and a half. Symptoms actually seemed more pronounced than either of the first two shots, which had affected me only minimally. I figure it's our bodies saying "Hey, this is that attack we were warned about 6 months ago! Gear up antibodies!". No, I'm not a medical professional... :-)

And thanks for being a trooper and getting this new journal started so quickly. Your fans approve!
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3 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Graham FinchThanks for the link. We’ve only been in the UK once, and that was 15 years ago up along the Scottish border and in the Lake District. I was just looking at Striding Edge, the precarious hike up Helvellyn that we took then, wondering if we still had the legs or nerves to scramble up there again next summer. It’s still up there as one of the most memorable hikes of my life.

So my knowledge of the south is essentially nil; I didn’t even know where Lincoln was until now. I’d better start doing some research - it will be summer before we know it!
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3 years ago
Gregory GarceauI suffered zero effects from my first two Covid shots. Now, your statistical chart and the comments above have me worried about the booster that I am scheduled to receive next week. As a Tough Guy--and a smart guy--I'm going to power through it anyway.
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3 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Gregory GarceauTough Guy, definitely. Smart guy though? Perhaps open to debate.
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3 years ago
Jen RahnMy shoulder and neck were way more sore with the Pfizer booster than with the first 2.

And I think I slept a solid 13 hours.
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3 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesToday after struggling so hard for access to the vaccine, we are also scoring 6's on your check list. How bad is it? Today was to be our first day trying out our "new" Bike Fridays. Instead, I am investing most of my energy posting this comment!
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3 years ago
Scott AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesHang tough. The day after was a total loss but I felt basically normal by the next morning. I’ve heard from several others now that said the same thing.
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3 years ago
Jacquie GaudetI might be the odd one out here. I was very fatigued for a week after the first dose, a few days after the second. I expect boosters will be offered to my age group in BC in February or so. As before, I won’t plan anything for the days right after.
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3 years ago
Bruce LellmanTo Jacquie GaudetI might be the oddest one out because after my second dose I had more energy than I've had in months! For two days straight! No ill effects whatsoever. I can't see how my luck will hold with the booster though.
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3 years ago