The best tail winds ever!! - Clear Skies from Wisconsin to Albany NY 2024 - CycleBlaze

June 13, 2024

The best tail winds ever!!

Port Rowan to Cayuga

Even though it was fairly long ride mileage wise, it didn’t seem it because we had an amazing tail wind just about the whole ride. The final few miles were kind of rough as  our direction changed and the wind became a strong cross wind. Almost knocked me over.

There were 33 cues which kept us busy throughout the ride. The one detour turned out to be okay.

So the ride had many support of events starting with a flat tire for Stan. 

A beautiful spot for a flat tire.
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A not so beautiful event but Stan has a spare and is an experienced tire changer!
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And we had a great snack stop in Port Dover. On the way there we had the detour on Spooky Hollow Road. What a great name for a road. It was a little spooky. Big trees creating a dark ambiance as we road down and up and around curves we thought it would be spooky especially at night. When we emerged it was quite lovely.

On the detour route we picked we had a great shot of two lovely horses.
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Port Dover harbor. It was a charming little tourist town with good coffee shop ands nice harbor.
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Lunch stop was at an old school house converted to a museum. The original school was started in 18xx. The museum was full of old pictures and memorabilia and about fifteen wooden chairs decorated with paintings by seniors from the local high school. The chairs to be auctioned off with proceeds going to the museum.

The original school built in the early 1900s.
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Meet Kalen, the young man who showed us around, described the history of the school, and was talkative and charming! He was clearly proud of the school and the museum.
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And, of course, more wind turbines.

Need I say more?
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Today's ride: 58 miles (93 km)
Total: 588 miles (946 km)

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stan rosenstielJune 13 entry. the school was from 1872 I think
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2 months ago