Happy Summer Solstice - Clear Skies from Wisconsin to Albany NY 2024 - CycleBlaze

June 21, 2024

Happy Summer Solstice

Brockport to Farmington

IMost of the day was on trails: the canal Trail, the Empire State Trail, and the Auburn Trail - a total of 37.7 miles on trails. 8 miles getting from trail to trail. Went by two locks (32 and 33), bridges going up and down to let boats through, REI home store, and Towpath Bike Shop. The trail has changed from paved to all crushed limestone. Basically it’s well maintained. The problem is because it’s flat and the surface is unplaced you must pedal all the time. No coasting. Even on my e-bike that can be tiring. Not that I’m complaining-it just seems long.

The day started off cool but got hotter and hotter throughout the day ending at 87 degrees with a”Feel Hot“ temp of 100 degrees in Farmington. It was HOT!!!

Lock 33 looking towards Buffalo
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And Lock 33 looking towards Albany NY
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Looking back along the canal at a bridge.
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I thought this was a train snow plow but actually it’s a cow catcher. Still it’s a cool item.
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All 13 of us at OTTOs, an Italian restaurant that was very good.
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Meet Alex, our very good waiter. He took all orders for beverages and food from all of us without writing it down. He never missed. On a trip meal (part of what we’ve paid for), the trip (Ken) pays for all except alcohol and desserts which we cover, Alex didn’t miss a beat - even the no mushrooms on Johnnie’s dish.
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Today's ride: 45 miles (72 km)
Total: 856 miles (1,378 km)

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