Coffee and tea in Sanford - Clear Skies from Wisconsin to Albany NY 2024 - CycleBlaze

June 6, 2024

Coffee and tea in Sanford

My Pleasant to Midland

Midland is an interesting community. It’s the home of Dow chemical. We stayed at Northwood University which was developed by two wealthy men who wanted to create a university that espoused the ideals they saw as inherent in free enterprise. Many very conservative, very wealthy families donated to the growth of Northwood. We stayed at the building named for the National Automobile Dealers Association. (NADA), 

To get there we went on the beautiful Pete Marquette trail. It was a beautiful day and another beautiful ride!

After 17 miles on some great country roads we took a snack break. John also took a little nap break while we were paused.
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There was a unique exhibit along the trail. At the spot we started there was a statue of the sun. Then at distance that reflected the actual distance were statues of each planet. I missed the beginning but it was so cool I took a few photos of some of the planets. As you can see this was Neptune.
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Then just when we were thirsty and looking for a beverage we came upon these two lovely ladies s serving coffee and tea (hot or iced) for free at a place called Cultivate (see below). Meet Sindy and Joan, the two ladies who manage Cultivate. They were very chatty and very nice.
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Joan and me in front of Cultivate - a satellite of the main Cultivate in Midland- operated by a church in Midland to raise money and paid for by donations to provide community services. The beverages were free but they were glad to accept donations!
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Today's ride: 38 miles (61 km)
Total: 315 miles (507 km)

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