Closing In On It - Clear Skies from Wisconsin to Albany NY 2024 - CycleBlaze

June 26, 2024

Closing In On It

Vernon to AmsterdamHi

Another beautiful day, beautiful ride. We spent the day on trails along the Erie Canal or the Mohawk . Mostly the trails were paved but even the short sections where they were unplaved they were in good condition!

Lunch was an interesting break at a Jesuit site called The Martyrs Shrine. We were able to set up our lunch in a large modern air conditioned hall. It was getting hot and humid so the hall provided welcome relief.

Meet Mary, Ezra, and Maria. Mary is riding across the country on a motor cycle with Ezra in a specially constructed bed on a motorcycle. Go to Dog On A to learn about Mary’s project to earn money for Roswell Park. We chatted about her effort for quite a while! Impressive!!
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Boat on the Mohawk. So peaceful!
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Back on the canal. These posts are where boats can tie up while waiting their turn in the lock.
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The lock
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A broader view of the lock.
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These were the first hogs I saw on these bike trips.
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This guy was as curious about me as I was of him.
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Male peacock just wandering down the road.
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The female followed behind.
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Our super support crew. Left to right: Jill, Ken, Nancy, Todd
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Today's ride: 51 miles (82 km)
Total: 1,052 miles (1,693 km)

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