Back to the States! - Clear Skies from Wisconsin to Albany NY 2024 - CycleBlaze

June 17, 2024

Back to the States!

Niagra to Williamsville

a beautiful day. We headed out in time to get to Williamsville before the heat got too bad-89+. We succeeded. It was a great ride south along the Niagara River to the Peace Bridge which crossed the river to Buffalo. We were actually headed upstream to across from Buffalo and it had been a short day so we rode back up along the Niagara headed downstream. Both directions the easiest direction was to keep the river on our left.

Crossing the Peace Bridge was a little tricky s the biking/pedestrian walk was closed. Fortunately the trucks only lane was empty so were rode across the bridge in that lane. When two trucks came along we just pressed against the fence on the lanes edge and stopped while the trucks went by. When we got to the US side a nice young man walked us past all the many trucks waiting in their customs line and opened the gate to let us off the road. Then it was waiting for someone to check us through in a small office. 

Waiting for the customs officer. Margaret and Sharon. There were six of us in the truck Lane group. The others got info on getting onto the bike/pedestrian walk and avoided the truck lane experience!
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Snack break.
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Looking access the Niagara River to Canada at our second break. Note we are finally on the Empire State Trail for the first time. We will be on and off it for days.
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Elliott and Ken caught up with us at the snack stop.
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In order to get to Williamsville we left the Empire StateTrail and worked our way east to the Tonowanda 5 mile trail to Williamsville.
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Today's ride: 47 miles (76 km)
Total: 729 miles (1,173 km)

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