22 miles on a trail - Clear Skies from Wisconsin to Albany NY 2024 - CycleBlaze

May 28, 2024

22 miles on a trail

or so we thought!

The photos haven't come in from my I-phone but at least I can get started and will add the photos tomorrow.

We headed out from the Gunderson Hotel headed to Mt. Horeb WI. The plan was to ride about 15 miles and then get on a trail (unpaved) for the next 22. Actually its a very nice trail and in good condition for the most part even though not paved. Until... we reached the section that had been quite devastated by a storm last Friday. Trees down, flooded pathways, and many branches and twigs across the road. We had to lift our bikes (no mean feet with a 44 lb e-bike) over at least 5 tree trunks across the road and then a major tree down with the trail crews hard at work. After they let us through we came upon another major tree (trees in a clump) that five of our team were working togetber to get bikes over/under.We finally  came into Mt Horeb on parallel highways. Fortunately the weather was good for riding. 
Before we arrived at the trail we had some great Wisconsin scenes.

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One of a zillion beautiful views.
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The Military Ridge Trail near the beginning before the storm damage. We rode it for about fifteen miles.
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Meet Richard! For those of you new to my journals one A feature I always include is The People We Meet. When we meet someone who helps us out or we have a chance to chat about them, I ask to take their picture and if I can use their first name in my journal. So meet Richard, one of the trail crew clearing some huge trees off the trail. Nice youngbman next to the equipment they were using!
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Then after Richard let us by where they were clearing we came upon Margaret, Sharon, Hope, Johnny G., and Lin lugging their bikes over and under a huge tree across the trail. It was after that we decided to leave the trail as mentioned above.
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Today's ride: 39 miles (63 km)
Total: 77 miles (124 km)

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