Wisconsin! - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

July 6, 2024


Dalbo to St Croix WI

Daily miles 55.7

Cumulative miles 2,400

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Today I went a little rogue as it saved some miles. Rather then drop down to Osceola, I went direct from Sunrise to St Croix. It saved maybe 12 miles and with lightening threatening it seemed the wise idea (which are often in short supply). 

I was doing a little inventory recently. So far I lost one riding glove (they are so important for sun protection), one rope (for hanging food), one pair of sun glasses( I knew where I left them but didn't want to go back 5 Montana miles to collect them), one sock(doing a laundry of course), and yesterday broke my phone holder  (this is a real problem). I'm doing a Jerry rig to keep it in place but it isn't all that functional. Motorcycle or bicycle shops might have one. Overall, not s bad loss number. 

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Bill ShaneyfeltSandhill crane
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2 months ago
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A beautiful part of the ride in the early morning.
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Hardly any shoulder, but hardly any traffic.
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Not too many people will remember him.
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Him either, I'm afraid.
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It seems odd they would welcome the Governor.
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River Spirit, at Interstate Park. It does seem to have fluidity about it
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I've mentioned previously how much I love the early morning riding. The last few days, I've seen a few speckled fawn, and one that must have just popped out. It couldn't have weighed more then 15-20 lbs. The morning light, lack of traffic and calm energy are very attractive to me.

Today's ride: 55 miles (89 km)
Total: 2,292 miles (3,689 km)

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Barbara WalterYou are leaving my old stomping grounds, MN and WI - I can only hope you saw the World's Largest Ball of Twine Wound by a Single Person, in Darwin, MN.
Sorry it has taken so long to catch up with you - for us at the Red Cross, the time has flown!
Stay safe and strong. I'll catch the crew up if they haven't been paying attention.
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2 months ago
Jamie DolanTo Barbara WalterSome how, I missed that attraction! Trust all is well with you and the crew and look forward to seeing you and the crew in about a month and a half.
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1 month ago