The Long and NOT Winding Road - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

June 20, 2024

The Long and NOT Winding Road

Great Falls to Stanford

Avg speed. 10.5

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The horizon line is about 4 miles off.
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We started out early and again it was chilly. While it did warm up I had my leggings on all day. We went from a five lane road (center for turning) with no trees and in the plains to a two lane road between some high hills back to the plains. Meanwhile we also had a bit of a head wind and the last 7 miles we were riding into our beside a thunder and lightening storm.  I got a little wet and was scared a bit but never do close that I stopped cycling. Tough day but interesting. 

Along the way w played leap frog with Cats who is going to Minneapolis for her doctorate. She's on a schedule, so unfortunately probably won't see much of this delightful person.

We are staying at Double B RV Park. When we got here all three of us were a bit up in the air as to what to do. Cara was thinking of continuing but the storm and headwinds were a string deterrent. The RV Park seemed to have an outfit e, do Sarah and I were considering motel rooms. I found the owners Bob and Bobbie. A delightful couple. After telling Bob about pitching the tents he recommended we rent the cabin for $50. We all decided quickly to stay here. After dinner we joined B and B for a local kid's rodeo (or part of it). A fun day in all.

Hopefully these two domestic rabbits, seem loitering around our KOA campsite, will not become coyote fodder
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Belt is a small town with just a main Street for commerce. And unfortunately at but down on the heels.
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Yes another rain storm but this was at 1 ish.
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The rodeo!
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Today's ride: 57 miles (92 km)
Total: 1,133 miles (1,823 km)

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