Riders in the Storm - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

May 29, 2024

Riders in the Storm

Burlington to Concrete

I'm just trying to figureout the whole upload, download, sideload, what a load thing
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Interesting quote...OSHA might take it up.
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Guess where we are!
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And of course, the back side.
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Cumulative miles 86

Avg speed 11.5

The above numbers are from my Cateye Velo 8. It doesn't sync perfectly with the Ride With GPS (RWGPS) but close enough. You may have noted, we also did not put our wheel in the Pacific to start the venture. We're good with close enough often.

It's the PNW. As Regis rightly asked, "What in was I expecting?". After starting in the rain, eating lunch and going out into a heavier rain, we decided time for another motel camping adventure. We felt so good about our decision as we sat on the office and it rained ever harder. And once in the room, oh well, the clouds cleared and it was gorgeous. 

Again, the route pretty much stayed off of Rte 20. And it was fun (well the rain really was a downer but not the route), and flat! We've got our first glimpse of the mountains and the upcoming climbing fun. 

Twin highlights today. First, we saw a herd of elk... So cool! We inadvertently spooked them and were able to watch them run, en mass, across the road. 

Spooked elks
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Tina can be spooky.
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Secondly, we meet up with Sarah again. Today we hung out a couple of hours. A delightful being. We hope to see her a bit more as we make our way through the mountains. We'll see.

This is for a trailer park on the Skagit River.
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Doing some serious strategery for the upcoming passes. Tomorrow will be Diablo which will set us up for Rainy and Washington passes. Hopefully, end up in Twisp with a warm showers host(ess).  After that pretty much a pass a day for four days. We are still figuring that out. As we go through the mountains it seems the rain is supposed to abate a bit as the rain shadow kicks in. We're hoping. 

The shape of things to come.
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Today's ride: 30 miles (48 km)
Total: 85 miles (137 km)

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