Once in a while you get shown the light - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

June 7, 2024

Once in a while you get shown the light

Kettle Falls to Ione

Cumulative miles 437

Avg speed 10.6

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First, we are so happy for our nephew Dan, and his wife Lauren. They now have their first baby girl! She joins two crazy little boys. Have fun...

The light we saw today was a full rainbow circling the sun. It was ephemeral.  We've also been seeing bluebirds, including the stunning mountain bluebird. We also saw a bald eagle on a nest. Hard to see in the picture but it's there.

With luck, you might see the eagle at the top of the tree on the left.
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Once again when we were on side roads it was great. Joining rte 20 the vehicle noise is oddly very apparent. Maybe just because it is soooo quiet on many of the side roads

We get water where we can. It turns out there were services later that e were unaware of. We use a steri pen to make the water safe. So far, so good.
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Crystal Falls. A nice respite.
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 For the most part traffic on Rte 20 wasn't bad and there was a good shoulder. Unfortunately, it also means there is relatively little shade. So we keep well lathered in sun tan lotion. 

Sadly, Yoda ( maybe E T) was carbonized.
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Today was our last hill for a while. I think all three of us will be glad for the hiatus. Though today's descent was about  4 miles. No complaints on that. Especially as it was followed by a flat  miles with a nice tail wind. 

Our camping spot for the night at a very quiet RV Park.
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Today's ride: 57 miles (92 km)
Total: 433 miles (697 km)

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