Moving to Montana Soon - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

June 10, 2024

Moving to Montana Soon

DS USFS To Koocanusa Cabins

Avg speed 12.2

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Sometimes things aren't filled in as wifi is highly erratic and I'm not near bike computer. I'll fill these in some day, maybe. 

So we've done Washington and the Cascades. Been through Idaho. Now into Montana, with a new map, time zone and set of mountains on the horizon. We probably will get skunked on Going To The Sun Road at Glacier. But we're still stupidly optimistic. 

Lately, we've been intersecting with Rick. A very kind soul out of FL. He is riding to raise funds for homeless vets. Check him out on Cycle Blaze at Ricksride. 

Koocanusa and a very long train.
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The falls.
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There might be a kayak line, for someone other then me.
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Where we are staying tonight.
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Today's ride: 57 miles (92 km)
Total: 654 miles (1,053 km)

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