Longer Then Expected - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

June 26, 2024

Longer Then Expected

Glendive to Medora

Avg speed 12.3

Daily Mileage 68

Cumulative 1,500 will what do you know

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Last night I camped at Makoshika State Park. It was About 3 miles off route with no electric, NO SHOWER that was desperately need after 100+ miles, but did have a great setting in the badlands.  Tonight I camp in Medora  campground. It has all the above but lots more people. My neighbor, with the pick up you see, came by, introduced himself and brought some dinner to share. We had a very pleasant time talking. I'm glad Scott introduced himself.

Medora Camground
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Again, I went further then I thought I might as we are supposed to be in for some may weather starting Thursday afternoon with rarely winds to start Thursday. My goal is to get to Dickinson, about 30-35 miles and consider it a zero day. And best the weather. 

Today was mostly interstate. Interestingly, not too bad for most of it. I had both plains and bad lands. There was a section under construction that was a bit more then dicey. But it worked out. The last 25 or so miles, along a background, from Beach to Medora were fantastic. Two cars passed me in 25 miles! And badlands galore. It was a good way to end the ride and greet ND. And yes, I am now in North Dakota!

This was along the interstate.
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As was this
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And these.
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In Beach, ND
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This is a newer version and there was a third just a bit further.
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Today's ride: 68 miles (109 km)
Total: 1,495 miles (2,406 km)

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