Another day, another few miles - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

June 12, 2024

Another day, another few miles

Eureka to Whitefish

Our campsite, and Sarah's, at Whitefish State Park
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Tina and Sarah at Whitefish Lake
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The deer were rather tame in Eureka
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Our campsites behind town hall in Eureka
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11.1 speed
 Cumulative miles 755 

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Whitefish State Park 
Not much to recommend today's ride. The first 14 miles were on a nice side road. After that we stayed on buzy, sunny, loud, fast 93. We did go by a couple of nice lakes. We did miss a turn that would have had us off it towards the end but I'll explain why that didn't happen later. 
Last night we started at a town park in Eureka. The town itself seems pretty nice if not small. The park was behind town hall and by a river
 Actually kind of nice. BUT we were also right by the train tracks and semi-trucks seemed to tumble by most of the night. No problem for me as my hearing is for crap. Tina though is super sensitive. She didn't do well. Also, Street lights all over. I needed to cover my eyes to help sleep. Okay, their hearts are in the right place. 
A bit about what we missed the turn. ACA has a habit of taking you off the main route for less then a quarter mile, with some frequency. I find it quite annoying. So, after a while I ignore it(the turn right here ). Still, much better to have the route laid out then not. 

Tonight, we are Whitefish State Park. Hopefully the nearby train track will not be occupied. The lake we are camping near is quite beautiful(like any lake isn't?). Tomorrow, we enter Glacial , National Park. Yeahhh!

Today's ride: 52 miles (84 km)
Total: 751 miles (1,209 km)

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