And away we go - Two of Us... - CycleBlaze

May 28, 2024

And away we go

Port Townsend to Burlington

The far side of Deception Pass
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The near side of Deception Pass
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Babes (?) in the woods!
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Okay, just so you know this is done using a voice recorder which dose not do  punctuation. I'll try to correct but if this becomes James Joyce Jabberwocky, don't blame my St Peter's elementary education.

After five hard days traveling across the country we made it to my sister Eileen's house.  What a wonderful place and community. And such a wonderful and interesting group of people she's with.  She lives in a semi-intentional community and I guess the best thing I can say is the garden is wonderful and the people are wonderful. And those are two wonderful things. I am so glad for seems to be such a good fit.  There is a statement of values in the common house which gave less intentionality then ethics, but I only scanned it. I'm not sure what the intention is other than sociability and they are socialable. We had a great time with my sister Eileen and her good friends Madeline and Michael. We so appreciate their hospitality (and excellent food).  Port Townsend is a gem to explore. The residential housing is very interesting and incredibly eclectic. There were not many typical suburban houses that we saw.  The downtown is historically gorgeous. Both archetechure and full of read  'ems. 

Today when we started riding, it was just over a mile to the ferry.  During our ferry ride we met fellow traveler, Sarah.   She actually will be doing much the same route. Unfortunately, after 15 or so miles, we found our aces were not in synch and split up. We hope to see her again and wish her well. Interestingly, her former work involved helping ensure homeless children were educated. That has to be a tough row to hoe. And thank God for people like her. 

The ferry took us to Whidbey Island. From there we went on to Fidalgo Island then onto the mainland and we ended up in Burlington.  It rained all day long, lightly or moderately until we stopped and then it stopped... oh well.  It was a pretty moderate bike ride in terms of the hills, And it was a gorgeous bicycle ride, with the exception of Route 20 which was the main road we followed today. We will following it for days to come for that matter. But we really were only on it for about maybe 15 or 20 miles of the 55 or so that we travel today. Overall, google took us through some nice places.  The highlight of the day was certainly the Tommy Thompson Bike Trail through Anacortes.  it goes over some tidal Flats where we got to see a sea otter and a seal. The sea otter was fishing and was successful and that was that was definitely a highlight. Meanwhile because it was so rainy and wet and it's supposed to rain through tomorrow morning off and on we decided we would camp at a motel and that's where we are now, getting dry. The next couple of nights will also be dry so we'll be camping out.  

We think we went through Deception Pass at one point. It is actually a waterway between Skagit Bay and Rosario Strait (pretty sure). It was spectactular. So dramatic with the cliffs and the high bridges (which we walked across) and the rushing water (ad the rin). We read that white water boaters sometimes surf the tidal waves. Overall a very good day. It was gorgeous because it was so ominous looking with the sheer Cliffs and the rain and the rainforest and darkness. So, yes, today was a good day well except for the rain of course.

Today's ride: 55 miles (89 km)
Total: 55 miles (89 km)

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Peter CameronThanks Jamie, trying to keep up with journal.
Beautiful pictures and descriptions.
Take care.
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4 months ago