July 25, 2021
Day 81: Rest Day, Planning and Preparation For The Final Push
A Very Pleasant Surprise!
I slept late this morning and didn't roll out of bed until almost 06:00. I think that both my body and my spirit were running near empty, and I felt great with this extra rest. The local cafe didn't open until 07:00, so I wandered down the street for a few blocks to snap some early morning pics.
A few law enforcement officers were the only occupants of the cafe this morning, and I chatted a bit with them. Since I was dressed in my "civilian" off-bike clothes consisting of long pants and shirt, they were surprised to discover I was bicycling coast-to-coast. Actually, most people are surprised to discover that a 68 year-old guy is riding a bicycle coast-to-coast "for no real reason" that they can fathom; I suppose they have a different view of what constitutes "normal" behavior than I do. So I ate my BLT breakfast and enjoyed 2 cups of really good coffee, then sauntered back to the hotel.
Today was a planning day. I planned the final routes, considered different lodging options, made hotel reservations, and booked an airport shuttle ride. Since I'm not following the ACA maps now and I don't like having to consult Google maps on my phone to be certain of every turn, I wrote down the turns and mileages for the remaining days on a small notebook pad that I will place in the handlebar bag map viewer so I can glance at it as I ride along to see the next turn.
Twice a week I do a close inspection of my tires and pump them up, although they have held air so well that I probably don't need to pump them up more than once a week. I had all of this done by early afternoon when I was surprised by a knock on the door. I opened it and to my great pleasure discovered Skip and Gunda! We had only met briefly in Rothsay, MN on June 21 when they stopped at the only cafe in town where Doc and I were having breakfast, but I remembered them well. Skip is a retired DOD civilian, as am I, and Gunda hails from Germany. They live in Hawaii now and are nearing the completion of their own cross-country cycle trip. They saw in this journal that I was taking a rest day in Cashmere on the day they would be passing through, and they looked me up! It really lifted my spirits to have them stop by.
Cycle tourists share a common bond in that we all experience the same hardships and rigors that come with the adventure. And so it is that folks you met only briefly a month ago feel comfortable to look you up, because they know and understand the struggles you are facing. Hmm.. Perhaps if our everyday lives were harder then we might all be more understanding and civil towards each other in our political discussions - just a thought. It was lunch time, so we wandered down to the local cafe and ate lunch together and had a great discussion. They are very positive people and are fun to be around. Skip and Gunda will complete their adventure by riding into Seattle. Rather than hassle with shipping their bikes to Hawaii, they will sell them in Seattle. Given the crazy market for everything bicycle these days, they will probably get as much as they paid for them.
I better close out today's entry. Tomorrow I climb Stevens Pass and I need my rest. Steve (2 days ahead of me now since I took a rest day today) has told me that the last 8 miles of the climb will get my attention. Good, I need something to hold my attention for a bit. It will all be over with tomorrow afternoon, then it's generally downhill and smooth sailing for the remainder of my journey (famous last words). I have a reservation in Skykomish tomorrow night in a quaint older place - they couldn't tell me if I had a room with a private bath or not, but the proprietor said he "would work on it." OK then, good enough. As long as I have a room, it will be fine. I hope you have a room tonight, with or without a private bath, and that all is well in your world. Fortunately for you, there is no video tonight. Good night all...
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