Day 90: Cairns to Edmonton - A happy ride around Australia (second attempt) - CycleBlaze

May 11, 2021

Day 90: Cairns to Edmonton

Start: 12:30pm
Distance: 21kms
Ride time: 1:15hrs
Average: 17km/hr
Max: 30km/hr 
Finish: 3:30pm

It was nice to sleep in comfortable hotel beds for the past week. And eat lots of good food.

Today began with another great cafe breakfast and a look at their bike book.
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There was a curlew camouflaged in a street garden.
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After breakfast I did the final pack of my panniers, retrieved my bike from the luggage room and put it all together.

I've missed my bike this past week. Although it has been amazing spending time with Serena and seeing all of the wildlife etc.

We checked out and had morning tea before saying our goodbyes.

I will get to continue my great ride and Serena will get to return home to our gorgeous puppies and kitty.

Iced coffee and Mexican tepache.
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I've never had tepache before. It is a fermented pineapple drink with cinnamon and cloves. It was refreshing. 

Adiós Serena!
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I will get to see Serena again in Darwin in a month or two.

After Serena left, I took the opportunity to donate plasma again.
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Rodney PrestonRiding all the way around Australia AND donating plasma on the way!
You are a superhero 🦸‍♂️
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyHahaha. I haven't made it around Australia yet.
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3 years ago

I knew I was only cycling a short distance today so I was happy to donate.

There are no blood donation places between here and Darwin.

I guess it will take me about 6 weeks to get to Darwin. I'm in no rush and will take my time enjoying the 'top end' of Australia. 

The donation took 1.5 hours. I then got on the hwy heading south for 20kms. 

I have to go south a little way before I can turn west for Darwin. 

I checked in to the Barrier Reef Tourist Park. This place has no shared bathroom facilities.  Everyone gets their own little ensuite. 

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There is no camp kitchen here. 

This native peaceful dove was walking around my campsite.
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Peaceful dove.

I'm now in my tent after having a salad roll for dinner. I'll try to sleep early so I can get up early.

Tomorrow I will climb 959 metres. That's a big effort for me, especially after having a week off the bike, so I hope I do okay.

Today's ride: 21 km (13 miles)
Total: 3,923 km (2,436 miles)

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