Day 102: Croydon to Blackbull - A happy ride around Australia (second attempt) - CycleBlaze

May 23, 2021

Day 102: Croydon to Blackbull

Start: 7:10am
Distance: 63kms
Ride time: 3:06hrs
Average: 20km/hr
Max: 30km/hr 
Finish: 12:30pm

The ground was hard yesterday when I put the tent up and I didn't put the pegs in very far. This morning the wind was strong and pulled the pegs out. The only thing stopping the tent blowing away was me being inside it.

This great tailwind only lasted 10kms and then it reduced to about 15km/hr.

The next town is Normanton, 150kms away.

I saw lots of macropods this morning. They were all camera shy.

The road was flat and the traffic was about 6 cars per hour.

Crossing Belmore Creek.
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A straight road today.
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I liked the glossy red colour of this young gum tree.
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I think this is a Blue Commelina (Commelina diffusa).
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Blue Commelina (Commelina diffusa).

After 3 hours of riding I arrived at Blackbull Rail Siding.
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It's an old train station. It still gets used sometimes.

The sleepers are steel and there is no ballast. The train line is laid at ground level. They used steel because the white ants ate the wooden sleepers.

Old water tank for steam engines.
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There's lots of tables here under one big shade roof.

I have only done 63kms. I was planning to do 75kms. That would leave another 75kms to do tomorrow to get to Normanton. I don't think there are any rest stops between here and Normanton. 

It's about 30C. I decided to stay here tonight. That will leave 90kms to do tomorrow. It's a bigger day but I didn't want to give up a shaded picnic table.

There's no phone reception here. 

I saw another sand goanna.
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Bill ShaneyfeltAn old friend of mine did tons of research on Varanids of Australia. Eric Pianka. If you search his name on the internet, you will find more than you want to read!
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyHi Bill,

Thank you. I searched his name and am still reading up on his work...

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3 years ago
He was about 75cm long. Luck there's no train today.
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Annie O'SheaThat actually has happened to a few people in the past but if you see one coming at you just hit the deck and lie still, theygo away
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyI googled it and couldn't find a single news article on one?
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3 years ago

Another traveller watched me take the pic and warned me to be careful. Saying that it might mistake me for a tree and climb up my legs.

I think that's never happened and it's just a common fallacy. 

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Sunset pic.
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Today's ride: 63 km (39 miles)
Total: 4,590 km (2,850 miles)

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Titanium PenguinHi Vince,
Having grown up in western Qld and chased many a sand Goanna I can assure you that they will, if pressed, try to escape by climbing up the nearest tree-like thing which may well be you! Having said that, you're not running after them with your siblings, trying to grab their tail, so you're probably pretty safe😂.
I'm really enjoying following along with your trip as I haven't been in that part of the country for many years. Thanks for your diligence in providing updates!
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyHi Catherine,

Thank you for you comment.
Sounds like you had a fun childhood!

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3 years ago