107: Leichhardt River to Burketown - A happy ride around Australia (second attempt) - CycleBlaze

May 28, 2021

107: Leichhardt River to Burketown

Mum informed me that the black-necked stork is also called a jabiru. Thanks Mum.

Bill skilfully identified the yellow flower from Day 105 as an Australian kapok. Thanks Bill!

Start: 9am
Distance: 81kms
Ride time: 4:06hrs
Average: 20km/hr
Max: 29km/hr 
Finish: 3:05pm

This big locust greeted me on the tent when I woke up this morning.
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I see lots of them everyday now. Sometimes I have to swerve to avoid running them over. At the last second they jump away.

I used a lot of water last night by drinking, cooking, cleaning and brushing my teeth. 

I didn't plan this very well so I filtered another 3 litres this morning. Yesterday I said it took about 3 minutes/litre but its more like 10 minutes/litre.

It also took extra time to carry all my panniers back up the small cliff to my bike so I didn't get away until 9am.

It was like this for a long time.
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These trees are leaning in the right direction.
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I had a good tailwind today. The wind was coming from the south-east and I was heading north-west.

The road was bitumen all day.

These cattle were being mustered to some water after being dehorned.
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The farmer was doing it on a motorbike without any dogs.

There was also a lot of flat nothingness.
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Veronica JoinerMakes you feel small. We have an amazing country
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyIndeed. Being on a bike makes me feel small when I'm on the long straight roads.

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3 years ago
Crossing the Albert River just before Burketown.
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A fuel reduction burn.
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There was no one attending to this fire.

The kites were loving it. They would take turns to swoop and dive ahead of the flames looking for easy prey. There were about 50 kites doing this.

There's a jabiru and a brolga on the sign. I saw both yesterday.
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I only saw 16 vehicles today, including the farmer on his motorbike and a road train.

I got off the road for him and he gave me a friendly toot of his horn.

I went to the caravan park and was rejected because they were full. They did have a cabin available for $85 but I wanted to see if I could camp somewhere else first.

The information centre manages some campsites 7kms out of town on behalf of the Gangalidda and Garawa traditional owners. 

It is native title land so they are the lawful owners too. Forgive me if I haven't used the correct terminology. 

There are 19 sites available and I got the last one. There are no facilities there.

I asked him if I could pitch my tent in the town park but he said the council wouldn't like it. And it was across from the pub which would be rowdy because it's Friday night.

I paid $35 which included a permit and the campsite.

I haven't had a shower since Tuesday nor washed my clothes. I went to the public toilets and gave my top a quick wash before I left town.

I also topped up my water supply to save having to use my filter.

On the way to the campsite I rode past a sport oval. I'm sure it would be an okay place to stealth camp.

The track to the campsite.
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Entry is only allowed with a permit.
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My campsite by the Albert River.
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The info guy said he only allows caravans to stay at this site because it is  close to the water and it may be too dangerous for tents.

He only gave me this site because it was the last one available. 

I've pitched my tent on a track as far from the water as I can.
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I'm about 2 metres above the water line and 50 metres from it. I feel comfortable being here. I definitely take salt water crocs as a serious threat.

The nearest other camper is 200 metres away and I can't see them so it feels like I'm in a nice bush camp all by myself. 

A wallaby came down for a drink.
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Tinned beans and veggies for dinner.
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River at sunset. This is much nicer than a cabin in a park.
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The river here is tidal. I looked several times for salties without any success.

At sunset the pesky flies were joined by biting midges so I retreated to the tent early.

Today's ride: 81 km (50 miles)
Total: 4,937 km (3,066 miles)

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Toby TesterVince, I love the pictures and the simple prose. There's beauty in the starkness of the landscape. It looks like I've become addicted to your blog. I'm interested in how you are going diet-wise. I'm about the same weight. I imagine you are losing kilos?
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3 years ago
Vince McCarthyHi Toby, thank you for liking my blog.

I find it hard to restrict my appetite while on tour. I try to choose healthy options when they're available.

My starting weight was 105kgs. I last weighed myself when in Cairns at 98kgs.

On previous tours I have lost 1kg/week.

I had hoped to loose the weight a lot more quickly than I have this time. Whenever my legs get tired on the bike I always turn to food.

Ideally I would like to be 80kgs when I finish. I will be happy with any amount of weight I loose.

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3 years ago