June 12, 2022
Waitin' Out the Rain
(Cue piano riff ....)
Sitting in a little town nobody's ever heard of,
Wondering if the rain ever ends.
Listening to the sound of the rain coming down,
(Insert your own sad line here making sure it rhymes with 'ends'.)
For example -
'Thinking if a broken heart ever mends.'
But maybe not -
'Planting beans and zucchini in the garden.'
Than again .....

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Actually, Baker City ain't too bad a place to be stuck in.
And I am hardly stuck, but comfortably cared-for
by my old high school friend Mary and her husband Don.
I have to bonk myself in the head several times
because Mary and I go back 50 years - - to 1972 !!
We had both just moved to Winston-Salem, North Carolina
and were long-haired hippies in a straight-laced high school.
So, we bonded with a bunch of like-minded newcomers
and had big vegetarian pot lucks and other herbal entertainments.
Don is a genius when it comes to old vehicles.
He pulled his 1952 Chevy truck out of the garage for a ride downtown.
(He's almost finished restoring a 1930 Ford Model 'A' too.)
I met a bunch of their friends for brunch at the bakery.
Cheese brioches and croissants instead of stale bagels!
It's amazing how fast a morning can go when you are doing nothing.
It's also something that we modern human beings need.
Got back to Mary and Don's house for a bit -
then went back downtown to the wine & cheese shop where Mary works.
A cool, rainy Sunday promised to be pretty slow and it was.
Mary got to work cleaning and organizing - subjects I did poorly in.
Meanwhile, I caught up on my journaling - notice??
Managed a little shut-eye - just enough to wonder where you are -
then did a walk-about downtown when it wasn't raining.
Don cooked us up ham, barley, and vegetable soup with baked apples. Yummm! Quite scrumptious for a starving cyclist used to PB&J.
Then Mary and I did some music together - she vocal and me piano.
Both the Bach and the Schubert Ave Marias and Bowles Cabin -
a lovely short piece based on Tennessee Williams' writings.
All in all, a lazy day, waiting out the rain.
In the warmth of a lovely house, with delicious food, and good friends.
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