Day 40: Roermond to Maastricht - Grampies Grand Return to France: Summer 2024 - CycleBlaze

September 18, 2024

Day 40: Roermond to Maastricht

Goodbye to Joni

The news came in the night, that our darling daughter Joni had passed away.

Joni was born in 1970 in Madison, Wisconsin, while we were still at university. To say that we were smitten with this arrival is a great understatement. Only the cat was peeved, because of being kicked out of the crib we had prepared. Joni grew quickly into a stellar student, loved by all her teachers. And when we sent her to Europe in her teens, she became perfectly fluent in both French and Spanish. Then as a spanish teacher in our local high school system, she led many international school trips.

Things changed for Joni in 2005, when she was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer. But the first of many treatments granted her a lease on life.  She used this  lease to leave her secure job and to co-found a high school on Caye Caulker, an island in Belize, where children had  had no secondary educational prospects at all. The high school  became successful and tremendously helped scores of children. Joni returned to Canada in 2019, when she no longer had strength for the high school. She had had a run of fourteen years of reasonable quality of life, far more than the doctors had predicted. In total it was 19 years from diagnosis until the end, yesterday. 

Our treasure at about 10.
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Cameron CulhamI’m so proud to call this beautiful and strong person Joni my dear friend and yes she sure loved that song and I our early days as the Laurie Miller band we played Come by the Hills, managed by you Steve and Dodie at Duncan Market! So Treasa (recording from her farm in Chateauguay PQ) and I (live in Joni’s ear!) sang it with her often this past while. Check out Lorena Mckennitt’s stunning version. A great song and great memory and always made us chuckle. And the cares of tomorrow can wait til this day is done…pedal on in power and peace dear Joni. And dear Dodie and Steve…..but more carefully as your realm is still road signs and bad car drivers! Joni may well be on a car free place. Miss her so!😘
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3 weeks ago

Below is the best photo of Joni for this blog. She was a lifelong cyclist - both on trips with us to the mountains, with daily commuting to work in Victoria, and with getting around the island in Belize. Joni's island was all sand, which is why you see her here with a one speed beach bomber. We bought her that bike in Belize City and brought it to the island in a speed boat. It quickly rusted in the salty sand, unfortunately.

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Joni adored her grandpa.
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We will miss you.
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Laurie MarczakThis is so lovely, she knew you were proud of the work she did, especially after her diagnosis, and what she accomplished and it meant more to her than I think you could know.

I hope the cycling is healing over the coming weeks. Sure wish I could have put my hands on some of the pictures from our childhood cycling trips in the Rockies for you but of course those are all in real photo albums at your house still!

Love you both
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3 weeks ago
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We had told Patrick, the volunteer running the BnB for the Exciting Dreams foundation that we would be gone before his arrival at 8 a.m. But as it happened, having been up all night, we were just leaving when he arrived. This was helpful, because Patrick had a lot of familiarity with death and grieving, not only from his family experience but also, as it turned out, as a Red Cross volunteer in several war zones.

The foundation behind our BnB.
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Patrick gifted us with the foundation's loving kiss.
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I took the opportunity to record the plaque denoting our place as the birth house of the architect Pierre Cuypers. 

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Patrick told us about how he was part of a theatre group that puts on a Cuypers play. He said his good friend actually is the one that plays Cuypers, and that his makeup is elaborate for this.

Patrick searches for the play reference.
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Here is his friend in the makeup, but obviously not on the set!
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It was nice talking to Patrick outside the BnB.
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Laurie was concerned that sleep deprived and upset, we would need extra care to stay safe today. I took this shot to show that even on a big bridge, Netherlands takes care for the safety of cyclists. But Laurie had astutely observed that we had indeed found a way to get injured in the past, in safe Netherlands!

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We could not generate our usual interest in the passing scene today. For example, we did not try to visit this windmill.

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That the  scenery did not seem very impressive had a benefit today, as we could just absorb its quiet and soothing aspect.

Calming cycle environment.
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A nice field of cabbage.
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Water is soothing.
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Karen PoretThe ebb and flow of life.
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3 weeks ago

We did have some excitement, as the couple below, from Grenoble, rolled up behind us. We found that they were circling Europe to visit their four children, who are in France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Spain - I think. They will definitely be in Barcelona, so we could say "See you there!".

Rare French touring cyclists from Grenoble.
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We continued on this safe, but still narrow and not entirely car free road.
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We arrived finally at Maastricht, having as usual done more kms than predicted. We just tossed ourselves into the hotel for a rest.  Tomorrow we will see what the town is about!

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To close this post, a song that Joni found during her illness was "I Am Light" by India Arie. This song spoke to her, and now it also seems like a message from her to us.

Today's ride: 80 km (50 miles)
Total: 1,944 km (1,207 miles)

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Jacquie GaudetSo sad to hear about Joni. Hugs to both of you.
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3 weeks ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensWe are so sorry for your loss.
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3 weeks ago
Suzanne GibsonDear Dodie and Steve, I am so sad to hear that Joni passed away. I love the pictures you posted of her. I see in her face a perfect mixture of Steve and Dodie. The song you posted was very touching. May your peaceful surroundings comfortyou. .
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3 weeks ago
Mark BinghamMy heart goes out to you both. She sounds like an amazing person, and will clearly be missed.
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3 weeks ago
Karen PoretTo Suzanne GibsonSuzanne capped it beautifully. May you sleep well knowing she is at peace and you can continue a journey for her, too.
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenWe are so very very sorry. Our hearts ache for you. What a beautiful song that spoke to her and speaks to us about the kind of person she was.
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3 weeks ago
Tricia GrahamI do feel for you, losing a child is so hard you feel it should have been you not them. This has been a long hard road not just for Joni but also for you
Tricia and Ken 💕
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3 weeks ago
Michael HutchingJoni sounds special, Steve and Dodie. Condolences and hope. Michael & Ann
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3 weeks ago
John FlecknerLaura and I extend our sympathies. Thank you for telling something more about her life. May your travels bring rest and peace.

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3 weeks ago
Ardell SiegelSo very sorry to hear about Joni… I remember you telling me her story as we ate barbecue in Austin so many years ago. Her song is beautiful and truly meaningful and I send you hugs and much compassion. Ardell
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3 weeks ago
Gina OrchardSending you both very big hugs 💔🫂
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3 weeks ago
David MathersSorry to hear of Joni’s passing. Our condolences to you and your family.
Dave and Anne
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3 weeks ago
Annette SchneiderMy condolences for you and everyone Joni touched. Someday, all will seem bright again. Take care, Annette
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3 weeks ago
Patrick O'HaraWe are thinking of you and we are sorry for your loss. There's no better way to process grief other than being on the saddle of a bicycle. Tail Winds.
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3 weeks ago
Darlene ManthorpeSteve and Dodie - I am heartbroken for you. Sending all of our love and hugs. Tonight's read was a beautiful tribute to Joni. Rest in peace Joni. My Mom asked me to pass along her condolences to you too.

As usual, your blog has been my nighttime read and it has been especially enjoyable reading about the grandchildren and Josh. What an experience that they will never forget.

I hope that you can find peace on the trails.
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3 weeks ago
Janos KerteszEs tut mir unendlich Leid! Herzliche Beileid.
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3 weeks ago
Scott AndersonWe are so saddened for your loss, but you have shared a beautiful, loving picture of her life for us. I love the idea of her years on Caye Caulker, which we were nearby on a neighboring caye years ago while she would have still been working there.

Strangely, we were with Susan Carpenter in Paris this morning and talking of Joni and the fact that she was still with us. She may have been passing about as we were speaking.
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3 weeks ago
Keith KleinDear Dodie and Steve,
Even though you thought yourself prepared, the shock of losing someone so dear is never easy. May you find peace along your road, and may you rejoice in bringing someone so amazing into the world. We know the pain of losing a child and share your grief. We offer our wishes for peace and repose, and wish they could be more.
Until we meet, please accept our deepest condolences.
Keith and Sue
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3 weeks ago
Emrey WrightLove you both. My heart is heavy, Joni always showed me so much love, even though we rarely saw each other. Thank you for sharing this. Big hug to both of you.

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3 weeks ago
Michel FleuranceJoni will stay and bike with you forever.
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3 weeks ago
Carolyn van HoeveSo very sorry for your loss. Something a parent shouldn’t have to go through.
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3 weeks ago
Andrea BrownJoni sounds like an extraordinary person and you are right to be so proud of her. I'm very sorry she left you so early in her life. May your family find peace in knowing all that she accomplished in the face of severe challenges, that she moved in love and compassion for others. All the best to you.
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3 weeks ago
Bruce LellmanThis breaks my heart. I'm so sorry. Thank you for telling us about Joni. It seems the world has lost a very special and important person. She accomplished more than most people ever do and the best part is that her accomplishments will continue to help people. You must be very proud of her.

I'm glad you are riding during this time. The rhythm of riding provides time and space for reflection. Please be careful.
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3 weeks ago
Sue PriceThere are, of course, no words to take away the pain of this loss, but know that so many people who love and care for you are sending you love in this moment. Take care of you both ❤️
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3 weeks ago
Gregory GarceauI've been away for a few days and am just catching up. When I saw this page, I was saddened. I tried to think of something profound to say, but all I can come up with is to double down on everything all your other Cycleblaze friends have already said.
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3 weeks ago