Day 12: Huisme to Beaumont en Veron - Grampies Grand Return to France: Summer 2024 - CycleBlaze

August 21, 2024

Day 12: Huisme to Beaumont en Veron

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Our spot in Huisme was rather cool, in that it comprised a classical stone house that had been renovated with all modern conveniences. The drawback though was that there were beams at crazy angles and low, angled ceilings everywhere. We banged our heads repeatedly.

Very cool but not exactly practical
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We cycled back the few kms to Usse castle, where the visit would be our main activity for the day.

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The castle has a really long history. Construction started around the year 1000, when the castle was mainly a fortress. It remained in an austere mode for about 500 years, before it began to transform from a fort to more of a pleasure palace. It had an amazing number of owners during its history, with a number of sales seeming to stem from people going broke trying to maintain it. It survived the Revolution with a lot of trauma but not too much permanent damage or loss. The final ownership transfer between families happened in 1885, and the family that took over then still lives there, though we could not figure out quite where in the building.

Although the castle makes a big deal about being the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty, the story does not seem to have played a big role in the lives of  the castle families over the years. The story is about a princess cursed by an evil fairy to sleep for a hundred years before being awakened by a handsome prince. A good fairy, knowing the princess would be frightened if alone when she would wake , uses her wand to put every living person and animal in the palace and forest asleep to awaken when the princess does. This theme can be traced to the 14th century and before, but someone called Charles Perrault put out a version in 1697 that explicitly was said to refer to Usse. This was picked up by the Brothers Grimm and later Walt Disney, and the rest is literally history!

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Gina OrchardLove it! I find it fascinating that this castle has the connection to the story of Sleeping Beauty. I have been to Neuschwanstein Castle (in Germany) that has claims to have inspired Sleeping Beauty’s castle that is the “iconic” castle in Disney parks. I shall read more on these two beautiful castles tonight!
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1 month ago
The castle overlooks the river Indre, with the Loire nearby as well.
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Michel FleuranceUnlike some chateauX
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1 month ago
Michel FleuranceUnlike some chateauX
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Michel FleuranceOui, mais le blog est écrit pour des anglophones peut-être ignorants.
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Michel FleuranceI checked with Amelie and she 100% agrees with you!
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1 month ago

Unlike some chateaus, Usse is quite fully furnished, with 17th century fittings. But it has another feature, in that there are many areas left in a fairly wrecked state - just revealing the kind of jumble and dust that will always be part of  an old place, unless meticulously restored. I found this an interesting touch.

Steps to the dungeon. The actual room is dark, dusty, and with only a crack of light. Not fun. People could get thrown in there for quite trivial matters, like disputes over grazing rights.
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Gina OrchardJ wants to know if there were any skeletons in the dungeon, or if it was just dark like a black hole that is endless to drop in to- like an endless pit. I told him you would have likely shared photos of those things had you seen them, but he thought I should ask, just in case.
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Gina OrchardJoe and Evelyn confirm there were no skeletons, just a big dark hole.
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1 month ago
I think I lived in some student housing around McGill that also had a basement much like this.
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Up in a tower, we see the wood construction.
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An unrestored dusty attic.
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More attic space
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Gina OrchardAnything inside that dusty box, like treasure? (Or a head?! asks J)
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Gina OrchardRather foolishly, no one thought to open the chest. So now we will never know what was inside. Dodie
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Gina OrchardJoe adds that using his superpower vision he saw lots of gold, but this can not be confirmed.
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1 month ago

However, the restored interior apartments are extremely elegant.

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Some of this is marble and some is marble painted.
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An elaborate desk - the signage had a name for the style, but I missed it.
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I would be embarrassed to have four people carrying me like this.
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Michel FleuranceSteve, you are not that heavy but you sneeze* !
Joe's famous word* '' by now '')
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1 month ago
A fully furnished dining room.
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This room was characterized as where a King would be stashed, should he ever visit, which never did happen.
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Looking out from a tower toward the town of Rigny.
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One tower was given over to a series of rooms holding dioramas illustrating the Sleeping Beauty story.

The growing princess was protected from the outside world.
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The final scene, with the arrival of the handsome prince.
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Just as with the basement and attics, the property reveals its former stables, wines caves, and wine pressing activities in outbuildings.

I didn't feel this was a buggy "collection" but rather the families' old junk buggies that they never took to the dump.
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A pretty sturdy wine press. I once had a smaller version of something like this.
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Barrels in the "cave"
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Since this is France, lots of wine bottles would need to be in stock.
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They come in various sizes.
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The names and sizes. Some, like "Magnum" are familiar.
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Another good press
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The chapel, from 1528, is still in use by the family.
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All chateaus have lovely gardens, with fruit trees, flowers, and usually vegetable plants. Usse particularly features orange trees in pots.
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Flowers and stone always go well together.
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The castle provided kids with a treasure hunt/questionnaire that they could turn in at the end. Successful kids then received a sort of diploma. Our kids are now all graduates of Usse!

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Amelia got a gift from Dodo of a blank drawing book. She felt the first blank page was too important to just start drawing on, so here she is on page 2.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Scott AndersonKids call Dodie that. Amelia started when small and could not say Dodie, so Dodo it is.
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1 month ago
Evee approves of the results.
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     today was my favorite castle so far!!!  

these pictures were made with the hairs of a cat's whiskers laterally
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if you know the movie "The princess bride" than you will understand the next joke, here is a lot of Angio Montoya's :) this was for my cosine Jareth 😊❤️👍
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Gina OrchardThat is hilarious Evee!! I (Jareth) LOVE it! Yep! I loved watching that movie with you! But there weren’t as many Inigo Montoyas… maybe they were hiding. 😉
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1 month ago
Mark BinghamThe Princess Bride is one of our favorite movies, and we watch it on our wedding anniversary every year…. on the day of our “mawage.”
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Mark BinghamPrincess Bride is a movie that we can watch over and over again. One of our all time favourites.
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1 month ago
here is some cool weapons and armer 😈
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this donkey horse looked at me so i could catch a photo of it
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very cute right buuuuttttt.....
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this DONKY did not like photos and only showed me its butt or body, I think I just have a curs because when little Joe came around the donkey showed him his full face just when i put my camera away
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our hotel today was laterally in the middle of knower
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                                                     love from Eve❤️


I'm a fairy knight
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I'm going to jail!!!
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I'm so sad in jail
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this Italian cabinet has 49 drawers!!!!!!!!!!
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big knight compered to
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little knight
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Gina OrchardYeah, for a mouse 😉 says J
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Gina OrchardOr a miniature person?
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1 month ago
apparently 1000 years ago they had baseball caps on their statues!!!
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horse butt
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just a horsy
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Donkey butt!!! eon eon
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Today was a good day and I wish my cosine Jareth was here with me and my mom Sabrina :)

Steve back in for a bit: Our spot for the night is more like an albergue than any of the previous ones. There are four stacked bunk beds and one double bed, all in the same room.

Like being on the Camino.
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Kids find entertainment in a spare corner of the room.
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Gina OrchardJ: I do miss them. A lot. I miss Joe. I miss Evee. And I miss Glasses. I love you all. That is amazing that you are biking so much - all the way from there (referencing the map). Have a good trip and soon please come back to where I live. ❤️
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Gina OrchardThey miss you also J. They will all be home in Montreal next week but I do not know when they will be able to visit with you. School, you know. Dodie
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1 month ago

Today's ride: 22 km (14 miles)
Total: 255 km (158 miles)

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Annette SchneiderInteresting photos and story. I think that everyone is enjoying the trip now, yay!
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Annette SchneiderThey are more accustomed to cycling the daily distances and do seem to be happier in general.
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1 month ago
Gina OrchardI cannot wait for Jareth to see today’s adventures and animals! We had a busy day today so please let the kiddos know that J’s ❤️s and comments will be on their way tomorrow 😉 The castle looked like an excellent adventure! And yes, it appears the kiddos have found their groove in the daily routine/schedule - yay!!!
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1 month ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Gina OrchardFinding your cycling "legs" takes about a week to 10 days, even for seasoned cyclists. These three have done really well and if they did not have to return for school would probably be able to go on for many more weeks/kms. We will check tomorrow for J's input. Dodie
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1 month ago