Day 25 - Here’s My Heart - The Borders of the US - CycleBlaze

February 22, 2024

Day 25 - Here’s My Heart

I wouldn’t be complaining if I forget today. This morning was so hard to get up and get going. I didn’t pitch my tent but slept on a concrete slab again. Finally around 9 I decided I should go. After I woke up at 7:25. Stopped at a gas station right in town. Then I finally stopped procrastinating and got going. Crossed into Texas after more wind and saw some dude riding his dirt bike right on the Red River which looked so sick. A few miles later Noah called me and got to talk to William, Lucas, Michael, and Hudson. Also Ms. G, it was great to talk to you again. That was 10 miles in. I grinded until the bike store at 41 miles. I was on a bike path for a few miles which was so good to get off the road. I don’t like Texas’ roads very much. The people at the shop were so helpful and did so much. They taught me more things about basic bike maintenance but stuff that I have no idea on. After a little over an hour of being there I got going. Painfully. Followed the bike path until I got back on a road. Called mom for a few and was already having a pretty rough day. It’s so strange to be having a really hard day and to not walk in the door after whatever and getting a home cooked meal. Or getting to talk to people you love the most about your day. Or simply being WITH people. It’s hard. But good? Worked for 10 miles then had to stop cause I was slowing down quickly. A real nice man named Thaddeus stopped and checked on me. He had to circle back around cause he was worried about me. It meant so much that someone would come and check on me even though I was physically ok. A few miles later I pulled a rock out of my tire. Somehow it didn’t puncture my tube. Made it past my 5 day average of popping a tire! We’ll see when the next one happens. I missed my exit after a lot more miles on the same road with a nasty crosswind. I had to walk my bike down a hill and then turned around. Had an awful interaction with someone and made it to the church. Called my parents and I was really scared. I didn’t feel safe and was not comfortable sleeping outside in the open. They found me a real nice hotel just down the road. I made it there safely thankfully. Locked my door and took a shower. That felt amazing. Then I went and got some dinner at the cafe which was incredible. Came back and called my parents again. Good to talk to people I know. So thankful for them. Ready to go to bed. Sometime in the next few days I’ll be taking a rest day. I’m thinking about doing it in two days as tomorrow will be shorter and not much wind so I wanna take advantage of that. Please pray that I will be protected going forward. I’ve never been so worried about my personal safety. 

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Tony SeisserGotta love comfort food! : )
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1 year ago

Today's ride: 94 miles (151 km)
Total: 1,962 miles (3,158 km)

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Bill ShaneyfeltI see you are starting to incorporate wind into your cycle touring plans... to that end here you go.

A handy website for wind forecast used by many cycle tourists around the world, and pretty accurate from all accounts:,-84.131,5
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1 year ago