Day 24 - Give Me Jesus - The Borders of the US - CycleBlaze

February 21, 2024

Day 24 - Give Me Jesus

“In the morning when I rise”

Woke up today and was oddly motivated. I got moving really quickly. I think the warmth helped a lot. Sun was up over the lake and was so bright. Continued onto Paul’s Valley, Elmore City and then after 27 miles I stopped. I was getting hungry and wanted to buy some food. I found a Buffett and knew that would be perfect. Tried to grind it out there but it didn’t go too well into more wind. I arrived and two men walked out. They stared. Didn’t move or say anything. I locked my bike up and said hi. Still nothing. Almost walked inside when they said “son where are you going?” There it is. They were happy to say hi and I was happy to talk to someone. Lunch was alone. I sat at a table that had three empty chairs

“When I am alone”

It took me awhile to get out of there cause I was eating too much and was scared to go 20 miles into more wind. I met Cory and AJ tho. Thought a lot about everyone that has given so much for me to be able to go on this trip. So thankful. But definitely alone. After 17 miles I stopped. I was exhausted. Thirsty. Sore. Stuck. Did not want to move. Finally after I heard almost 10 shots not much more than a few hundred yards away I knew I should go. Chain got caught in the derailleur again but thankfully all I had to do was backpedal. Finally I turned. Had crosswind which felt so nice. Started to pick it up. Lucy called and it was so windy she couldn’t hear me so said I’d call later. Listened to a playlist mom sent me. After 4 songs guess what came on. You guessed it. The title of today. Felt like it was perfect for today. The last week. This entire trip. I was lonely. And have been oftentimes on this trip. I listened to it 10 more times and versions from almost 10 other artists. It stuck. I knew what I needed. Absolutely grinded the last 15 miles. For the last 5 miles my heart rate averaged 163. I made it. I don’t like my campsite very much. I walked over to the gas station to fill up my water and called Lucy back. They were supposed to have a dinner and bible study at this church but don’t. I walked across the street to another church and they let me join theirs even though I was 30 minutes late. Came back and got to call Grace. Then wrote this. Called my parents for a long time which was really good to be with them. 

“When I come to die”

I’m tired. Really, really tired. I’m sore. Really, really sore. I miss home. I miss people. I miss my bed. I miss the known. I miss easy days. But I love being out here. Today was probably the happiest I’ve been yet. I still don’t know how but I know exactly why. 

“Give me Jesus”

If I could add a second verse to this simple but meaningful song to me it would go:

“In the morning when I rise I see Jesus”

“When I am alone I will be with Jesus”

“When I come to die I’ll see Jesus”

This post may mean nothing to you but I’m just sharing my thoughts. I try to organize them as best as I can but it’s not always easy

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Today's ride: 84 miles (135 km)
Total: 1,868 miles (3,006 km)

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Peter HubbardWow. Simple, beautiful, profound:

“Today was probably the happiest I’ve been yet. I still don’t know how but I know exactly why:
Give me Jesus.”

It’s obvious God is changing you, molding you and forming you day by day. Praying Jesus continues to show Himself to you and that you would know His presence each mile of your journey. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I love you, Jude, and so grateful to be your dad.
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11 months ago
Kevin ToddI second your dad on this one, Jude. A real delight to read along as you persevere, learn, and become a deeper, wiser version of yourself. “I miss the known.” Yep, I get that. But what’s becoming known more deeply with each mile/headwind/sunset is the good stuff that’ll really be lasting as it ripens over the course of miles and years. And then it’ll be part of the known and the prized, and the hard-won. I write all of this with a smile. Because what you’re writing about is being etched deep into you, and Jesus is probably nearer than he’s ever been. How cool is that? Ride on. Vaya con Dios.
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11 months ago
Jude HubbardTo Peter HubbardThank you dad. Excited to be with you soon!!!
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10 months ago
Jude HubbardTo Kevin ToddMr. Todd, this is amazing. Thank you so much. That is so encouraging. Just the thing I like. Miss you guys.
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10 months ago