Day 58 - A Mennonite Wedding in Carson City - Two Far 2024 - Courthouse Tour - CycleBlaze

June 30, 2024

Day 58 - A Mennonite Wedding in Carson City

We had very good time attending our friends' son wedding in Carson City.  We knew only a few of the family and friends when we arrived, but after the groom's family hosted dinner on Saturday evening and the wedding and reception lunch on Sunday we felt as if we had a hundred new friends!  It was the first Mennonite wedding we had attended.  The service was lovely.  It was quiet, peaceful with some really beautiful singing by a men's choir.  It certainly was not about clothes or flowers or decorations.  We were so pleased that we were able to attend.  We wish a long and happy marriage for Dylan and Pam 

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Curt & Helene ReedMy kind of wedding!
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2 months ago