Day 49 - Lake City to Evart - Two Far 2024 - Courthouse Tour - CycleBlaze

June 22, 2024

Day 49 - Lake City to Evart

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Today started out rather frustrating. I got an earlier start than usual because checkout time was 10 AM.  In addition to the early checkout, the motel also did not serve any type of breakfast.  Around 9AM I rode uptown to the local bakery but, believe it or not, they didn't have anything that appealed to me - who has heard of a bakery that doesn't have donuts or danishes?  I pedaled back to the room to see what we had in our food bag, but that cupboard was bare of sweets as well, so it was back uptown to a C-store where I procured a power breakfast of Hostess Donettes & OJ.  Then it was back to the motel to say goodbye to Jeanna.  It was only then that she told me there was a McDonalds a short distance past to C-Store - go figure!!

Once I was finally underway, the day got much better.  It was cool and overcast to begin with, but it soon cleared up and the temperature became perfect. 

Lake Missaukee on an overcast morning.
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Our first stop of the day was in Cadillac to visit the Wexford County Courthouse. After the recent string of uninspiring courthouses, it was nice to see another classic one.

Wexford County Courthouse
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As we have discovered in many of these old courthouses, the entrance is now in the rear of the building, where you go through a security checkpoint.

You enter the building via a modern annex. The hallway leading to the old courthouse is lined with photos of local veterans killed in action
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The tile floor is original from 1911.
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The common area on the 2nd floor.
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Large single stairway leading to 2nd floor
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A double stairway leads to the 3rd floor
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County Commissioners room
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After getting the above interior photos, we exited the building and walked around to the front to get a photo.  As we were doing this, someone called out and asked where we were from.  We started to have a long-distance conversation, but I soon asked what office she was in and told her we would come up, so back to the rear we went. 

The Inverness County Courthouse has a cardboard Elvis in a 2nd story window. The Wexford County Courthouse has Ann!!
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The staff of the Register of Deeds: Ann Neyer, Sharon Ellens, and Roxanne Snyder.
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We had a very pleasant time talking to everyone.  Jeanna mentioned that she had a distant relative who was a mail carrier in Cadillac in the early 1900's. Ann soon pulled up his death certificate and printed it out for Jeanna.  It turns out that at one time he lived just a couple of blocks from the courthouse.  Ann also told us that she had a brother and sister who were judges in the building.  She called her brother who came up to meet us and give us a tour of his courtroom. 

Probate Judge Edward D. Van Alst in his courtroom.
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After leaving Cadillac, the ride became much more hilly.
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Just past Leroy I picked up USBR 20.
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There must be a dairy farm nearby. I passed three of these within a couple of miles. It was very fragrant!
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That's a wet road ahead. I lucked out, as twice I rode through wet areas but never got rained upon.
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Today's ride: 53 miles (85 km)
Total: 1,211 miles (1,949 km)

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Kelly IniguezDon't you love small town friendliness?
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2 months ago
Jeanna & Kerry SmithTo Kelly IniguezYes we do. We meet the nicest people on bike tours. It's really different than traveling by car.
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2 months ago