Day 27 - Lawrenceburg to Brookville - Two Far 2024 - Courthouse Tour - CycleBlaze

May 30, 2024

Day 27 - Lawrenceburg to Brookville

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It was a short, but hilly, ride today.   Just a few miles into the ride, I began to think that it wouldn't be a short ride after all, when I saw the dreaded "Road Closed Ahead" sign. Shortly after I passed the sign, I saw a line-crew working on some power lines and asked them if I could get through the closure.  They said "No" and said a bridge was out and then told me about the detour that I would need to take.  That didn't make me happy, but I continued on.  When I got to the closure the road was barricaded, but it was not a bridge and I could see to the other side.  I asked a worker if I could walk through and he said "yes", but to be careful.  Bikes rule again!!

Not a bridge, just a small landslide being repaired.
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Looking back at the construction zone.
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As happened yesterday, the closure meant that I had the road to myself for several miles, which made the ride very enjoyable.

First covered bridge of this year's trip.
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A future "old barn" photo. The roof is already giving way.
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A private swinging bridge. It led to a house that is just out of view.
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The following 3 photos were all taken at the same intersection.  There was a dilapidated building on 3 of the 4 corners.

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I wonder what this stone shed was used for.
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Rich FrasierThere's a little fixer-upper!
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4 months ago

I had a lot of uphill today, but I did have one great downhill.

The downhill was not quite as steep as the graph on my Garmin indicated.
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The courthouse has an interesting history.  Originally build in 1855, in 1877 a construction crew was repairing the leaky roof when it collapsed, dumping workers and material into the courtroom below where a trial was taking place.

Franklin County Courthouse. Only the center portion is the original building. The wings on each side were added in 1912.
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Curt & Helene Reedoh no!
At a glance, I thought you had an American flag on your bike ,but realized it was in a flowerpot
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4 months ago
The marble and brass staircase was very attractive.
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Keith A. SpanglerThat is beautiful
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4 months ago
A view of the judge's bench in courtroom #1
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Comfortable jury box
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Not-so-comfortable gallery seating.
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The courthouse had a nice, but small park next to it.
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Downtown Brookville
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The Valley House is directly across from the courthouse. It was originally a hotel, but has recently been converted into upscale apartments for seniors.
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Curt & Helene ReedWith a tavern on the first floor for seniors to have a drink and meet people
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4 months ago
Jeanna & Kerry SmithTo Curt & Helene ReedThat would be a real necessity!
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4 months ago
Brookville has a very modest police station.
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Even though I didn't start out today until noon, I reached our motel by 3:30.  Shortly thereafter, we went back to town for a nice Mexican dinner and were ensconced back in our room by 7.  We spent the rest of the evening surfing the 'net and watching TV.  LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Today's ride: 28 miles (45 km)
Total: 486 miles (782 km)

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Keith A. SpanglerYou are the master at challenging road closures
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4 months ago
Jeanna & Kerry SmithNot mastery so much as perseverance. I just keep going forward!
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4 months ago