Day 098 - Cut Bank to East Glacier - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

July 22, 2023

Day 098 - Cut Bank to East Glacier

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Today I had a lot of "Type-2" fun. 

Yesterday, I said that I was looking forward to today's ride and getting "up close and personal with the Rockies".  Well, I got up close and personal with the wind instead, as I had a very strong headwind all day.  To make matters worse, there were no stores between Cut Bank and Browning, a distance of some 34 miles.   

When I left the motel this morning, it never occurred to me that I would need more than my usual 2 water bottles to get me through a 34-mile segment.  However, by the time I had covered 30 miles, I had been pedaling for almost 4 hours and had emptied both bottles.  This became a case where I was very grateful for SAG support.  I called Jeanna, who was in Browning waiting to meet me for lunch, and asked her to come meet me with some water.  In just a few minutes she showed up, and I promptly drank 2 full bottles of water.  Thus rejuvenated, I continued on to Browning where we had lunch at Subway, and I drank about another gallon of Diet Coke.  

Morning view.
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I saw a lot of hay and wheat (again) today.
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Working on the railroad.
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This is the aforementioned monument.
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I saw more cattle today than in previous days.
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After lunch we visited the Museum of the Plains Indians.  It was a very interesting museum, and one of the employees, a Blackfoot, was especially knowledgeable and patient as he answered all my questions.  The following is probably more than you want to know...

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Ceremonial Headdresses. These, and all other items shown, are true artifacts. Nothing in any of the displays were replicas.
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A Warrior's shield.
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Ceremonial clothing.
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Cradleboards. The grandmother would generally make the cradleboard, and would try to make it as fancy as possible.
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Ceremonial pipes.
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After leaving the museum, I only had 12 miles to go.  Again, it was slow going, taking almost 2 hours. 

Despite the wind, I did enjoy the vistas.
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Rachel JamiesonSorry you had to encounter the infamous wind sweeping off the Rockies. We used to say when it wasn't windy, we walked at a slant, so used to compensating for it!
But yes, the views almost make up for it.
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1 year ago
One of just a few downhills today.
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The wind was creating small whitecaps on this tiny pond.
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Near the top of a 2.5-mile climb. Although the grade never got above 6%, I had to push the bike a couple of times because wind caused me to lose my balance.
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Looking down on Two Medicine River, just outside East Glacier.
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The river is lined with pine trees.
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An old barn near the river.
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Tomorow's ride is to West Glacier and is about 10 miles longer than today's ride.  Once again there are no stops until well into the ride, but you can bet I'll be carrying extra water :-) 

Today's ride: 47 miles (76 km)
Total: 4,656 miles (7,493 km)

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Rich FrasierAt my age, hydration has become my single biggest challenge on the bike. I've taken to downing 750ml of water before I even roll off in the morning. Even with that, I sometimes struggle. Good luck tomorrow!
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1 year ago
Kelly IniguezYes! I totally get the LWB/wind connection.

BTW, we are due a bicycle photo. It's been awhile.

I hope the wind is friendlier.
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1 year ago