Day 088 - Crosby to Williston - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

July 12, 2023

Day 088 - Crosby to Williston

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It was a long, but relatively easy ride today. It was in the mid-50's this morning, so I broke out the cold weather gear once again.  Once properly bundled up, I started out on a somewhat dreary and overcast day.  

The good news is that I had a tailwind for most of the day. Thus, even though the ride was long mileage-wise, it was not overly long time-wise. I covered the 68 miles in just over 6 hours (including stops), averaging slightly over 13 MPH.

Besides the tailwind, there was another reason for the quick ride - there was no place to stop for a break until mile 54, where I met Jeanna at a Subway for lunch. 

After leaving the Subway, I had planned to stop at another frontier museum, but when I got there it was closed, as in CLOSED - I guess I should have paid closer attention to their website, as the last published event was dated 2019 :-)

As soon as I got to the hotel, we walked across the parking lot to a grocery store to get something for dinner, and then it was back to our room for blog writing and computer time.  It's a routine, but it's a good routine!

Somebody's having a bad day at work.
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Old barn of the day.
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And adjacent old house.
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It must be the neighborhood. This was just down the road from the above. Perhaps this is an Old Vehicle Museum in the making!
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I crossed the Laurentian (aka Northern) Divide on ND-42. It was just another hill to me.
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Widening ND-50. Just past where this photo was taken, the pavement was torn out and I got to ride on rough dirt for about half a mile. Yippee!! (I was thinking of Jeff Teel the whole time - I definitely don't share his affinity for dirt!!) :-)
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Drilling in the Bakken.
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I had stopped on the road shoulder for a break when I noticed these ducks appear from behind an island of grass in this small pond.
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This tractor was going about the same speed as I was, so we had a small parade for about 2 miles on US-2 before he turned off.
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Today's ride: 68 miles (109 km)
Total: 4,157 miles (6,690 km)

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