Day 083 - Killarney to Deloraine - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

July 7, 2023

Day 083 - Killarney to Deloraine

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It was a good ride today.  A little cool, but I had a quartering tailwind all day which was great and made for easy riding.  The further west I go, the sparser the traffic, which is nice, but that means the fewer the services as well.  

It was for that reason I routed up to Boissevain - I didn't feel like riding 40-miles with absolutely no services. I'm glad I made that choice because while MB-3 had very little traffic, when I turned onto MB-346, it literally became non-existent.  Given the lack of traffic on 346 and 443, I was pleasantly surprised how good the road surface was.  While not new, there were very few cracks, and it was a very smooth ride. 

The stretch between Ninga and Boissevain is littered with small ponds and marshes which provided for a nice change in scenery.  This area is also home to large flocks of waterfowl and is a popular hunting destination.  Almost every pond I passed had ducks or geese in them, but other than the Canada geese, I could not identify any others.  

Lake Killarney.
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A small collection of tractors on the edge of town.
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A few miles outside Boissevain. This was one pond of many that were full of waterfowl.
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The cattle were enjoying the pond as well.
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Red barn of the day.
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Loading silage in a large feedlot near Boissevain.
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I have no idea what these blue huts are, but there were a lot of them in a brushy-looking field. UPDATE: I just looked it up and these are shelters for Alfalfa Leaf-Cutter Bees in an apparent lowbush blueberry field.
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MB-3 had very little traffic today. It made it easy to rubberneck and take in all the sights.
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I'm really enjoying the colorful open vistas.
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Keith A. SpanglerVery nicely captured!
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1 year ago
A small oilfield.
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Colorful yard in Deloraine.
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Today's ride: 48 miles (77 km)
Total: 3,930 miles (6,325 km)

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